Construction Management

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Construction Management

Qn #1: Process Mapping and Example of Activities

A process map refers to the tools for planning and management to enable a visual description of a workflow. Through process mapping software, the workflow is displayed a series of activities being undertaken in a certain manner to produce results. The following are examples of process flow activities:

  1. Example activities to eat a meal in a sit-down restaurant:

Activity 1: Paying cash at the cashier office; the activity stakeholder is the client and cashier (receiver of cash)

Activity 2: Process for cash receipt; the stakeholder is the cashier

The above are considered activities because they are straightforward actions that are to be undertaken to be their respective stakeholders.

  • Example decision:

Decision 1: Informing the waiter to start to process the order; stakeholder is the cashier and waiter

It is a decision since either of the stakeholders has options to choose from before coming up with the conclusion.

  • Example delays: Process of the ordered meal; stakeholder is the waiter.

Explanation: the waiter may be overwhelmed by other orders due to limited labor resources.

  • Example information exchange:

Passing the order message to the cooks; this is information as it relays the requirements for the process to be complete. It should be specific and timely.

  • Example reference information

Determining if the ordered meal is available. In this case, the cashier, in consultation with the waiter, should check whether the mean ordered is available at the time.

Qn #2: Business Information Modelling (BIM) Use;

  1. Example of BIM use

The BIM Execution Plan

  • Explanation

Compared to traditional models, this BIM helps to set priorities, develop policies and establish respective processes assigned to every stakeholder participating in the project. Unlike traditional paper, it helps establish expectations besides ensuring collaboration among the team members, thus giving a complete plan.

Qn #3: differences of BIM from Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

  1. Difference 1

 BIM produces a virtual construction while CAD gives mere electronic drafting.

  • The above BIM benefit can be measured in terms of richness, i.e. how detailed the elements of the final model.
  • Difference 2

BIM produces intelligent graphics, unlike the CAD that only give dumb graphics.

  • This benefit of BIM can be measured in terms of the content technology, i.e. the tools and the applications used in developing the model.

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