Ch.14 Homework

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Ch.14 Homework

Q1: Brand Loyalty

Over the past few years, consumers, including myself, have become and remained loyal to certain brands despite several options existing in the market. In my case, visiting a local tea room during summer and winter holidays has become a routine. Right from the day I visited this facility for the first time, my trust for their tea grew spontaneously. The main reason why customers develop a strong confidence in specific companies is the nature and quality of service the firms offer. Inthis tea room, the customer service is spectacular because of the manner they relate to the consumers, especially their willingness to interact and provide background information about the origin and brewing process of their tea. Clients can decide whether to trust certain organizations or not; consistent service and quality products can influence their choice. Essentially, there is no category of buyers who are exclusively prone to loyalty, their decision and course of action depend on whether the firm of their choice listens and responds to the complaints and improves service level due to customers’ proposals.

Q2: Company Responsiveness

Following changes in the market, consumers’ preference depends on how responsive a company is. For an effective demonstration of responsiveness, organizations should constantly train their staff to adapt to the changing tastes and preferences, improve the quality of service delivery, and be able to understand the clients’ industry by giving the customers exactly what they want. If I had a company, I would use advanced technology to build a transparent and user-friendly feedback system. My model would enforce a comprehensive customer service involving use of telephone, emails, and websites to respond faster in cases of enquiries from my clients. When dealing with consumers directly, I would make sure the model is simple and easy to use by the customers. However, for working with the companies, the system has to be relatively complex with ideal security features to prevent chances of intrusion by outsiders who are not part of the mix. Collectively, my system would deliver real-time feedback and help make adjustments based on concerns raised.

Q3: Product Description

The product description is an essential stage of marketing as it determines whether the product will attract high or low sales. It is an informatory point at which customers get an opportunity to understand the newly introduced materials for the first time. Atthe initial stage, the marketing team face several challenges including availing the right information, guaranteeing product safety in case it is a consumable one, and describing the benefits likely to change buyers’ loyalty. For the successful launching of new products, the marketers often opt for exaggerated promises. For instance, they would tempt their presumed clients with social proof and seductively justify the benefits of their products. Besides, they can focus on the ideal buyers, making sales a priority. Overall, the description of products should remain as persuasive as possible.

Q4: My Complaint about a Company

I had the worst consumer experience with a local parcel distribution agency. My friend had two days left before her graduation, and as usual, she expected a gift card from me. I found the services of this company and ordered emergency delivery service with the hope my friendwould get her card the same day. Sadly, the agency deliveredthe document four days later. I raised a complaint and demanded a refund which, to my surprise, was declined. I got embarrassed and annoyed at the same time. In response, I used both the school social media and my Facebook platform to discredit the organization. I managed to attract much attention to the case and change the trust for this agency of most parents. Secondly, the information reached some local authorities that forced the organization to pay for my damage and to provide compensationto other people with similar experience. I am sure the organization is still recovering its reputation aftershowing its negligence to customer satisfaction.

Q5: Customer Empowerment

I had someempowering experiences with different organizations. First, I was able to use sites like eBay to sell mystaff to other willing buyers. Secondly, I have received several reviews for participating in E-commerce. While I was seeking for an internship, I had the opportunity to submit my resumes online. Incorporation of social media facilitates the virtual purchase of goods and services. Shipment of products ordered from overseas countries give the opportunity tobe sure they arrive safely. Practically, customer empowerment is an ideal chance to strengthen the power of consumers.  

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