Case Analysis: Facebook

Posted: January 4th, 2023

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Case Analysis: Facebook

Effective human resource management (HRM) teams develop human resource policies to determine how workers perform their duties, and to outline potential benefits. The regulations are directives on the approach the firm intends to embrace in handling its people (Gill and Mayer 6). HR policies represent guidelines to managers on various aspects regarding employment and outline the organizational intention on different areas of HR management such as selection, training, compensation, promotions, and recruitment (Gill and Mayer 7). HR policies, therefore, act as a point of reference when HRM practices are being developed or when making decisions regarding the company’s workforce. An appropriate HR policy gives generalized directives on the technique adopted by the business concerning different facets of employment (Gill and Mayer 7). Corporations nowadays try to develop effective HR policies, which provide competitive advantage in many ways. Facebook is an example of a company that strives to develop proper policies, and attributes part of its success to the competent HR directives. The corporation develops an HR policies that promote the interests of its workers to increase the employees’ desire to perform their functions.

Company Overview

Facebook is one of the many social network service and websites that commenced its operations in 2004.  Facebook, Inc. owns the social network site that presently has more than 1.69 billion users (Facebook).Account holders may develop a personal profile, add others as friends, and exchange videos, music, messages, and documents among other forms of data (Facebook). Additionally, users can join various groups where they share and discuss relevant matters pertaining to the team. The name of the platforms emanates from an idiomatic title for the book learners got at the beginning of the academic year by American college administrations with the objective of making everyone familiar with each other (Facebook). Mark Zuckerberg established Facebook with the aid of fellow students at the university, particularly, Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz, and Eduardo Saverin (Facebook). Only students of Harvard University were permitted access to the website, but later learners in other colleges within Boston could access it, including those from Stanford University and the Ivy League. Finally everyone could access Facebook, which now has the highest number of subscribers globally.

HRM Policies at Facebook

Several authors and researchers in HRM have examined and highlighted the human resource strengths of Facebook. The HR policies at Facebook are vital in developing a workforce that is committed to its functions (Facebook). The team leaders understand that managing human capital requires considerable focus on various aspects from perks to remuneration, as well as an appealing work environment (Facebook). Accordingly, the HR policy focuses on developing a setting that provides highest satisfaction for workers. The corporation has embraced various unique activities that have helped the firm to achieve an advantage in the area of human resource. The company uses various techniques to lower the pressure on its employees, and office arrangement and design is one of them. The company is shifting away from the cubicle approach, and is establishing a unique open floor plan. The group realized that cubicles can be uncomfortable for the workers and has transformed to the open office structure that allows members of staff to enjoy more space. The design provides workers more space to breathe and move, and facilitates the level of interaction and collaboration (Facebook). The developers admit that workplaces where members of staff have inadequate space to move around can cause work-related stress and can make the agitation level to go high. (Abbas, Hussein, and Khali 142) advice that to minimize the possible instances of dissatisfaction, it is essential to engage and interest workers at all times. Abbas, Hussein, and Khali (142) further argue that a dull work environment can result decrease level of morale and interest among workers. The impression Facebook tries to create is that it is impossible to achieve employee productivity by using pressure, but through allowing them feel like essential aspect of the organization whose options and engagement matter.

The policy helps to develop an open culture where no one feels like they are behind in making organizational decisions or contributing towards them. The HR policy focuses on enabling rather than interfering with the employees. The group focuses on helping its people own and build the company’s culture (Facebook). An example of how the workers own the culture is they are free to handle the organizational meetings as they would manage interactions at their homes. For instance, if a worker fills her or his workspace with litter, the HR leadership urges others to take a photo of the scene and post it on the group where the employee belongs, and possibly leave a comment. Another worker may pick the litters, who may add additional sarcastic or humorous comments that would discourage the wrongdoer from repeating a similar mistake. HR leaders think that the approach is a more suitable way for impacting behavior rather than issuing communication regarding best practices (Facebook). They try not to be hard on the workers, and pay attention to building a culture where everyone is open to act in a way they think will boost overall outcome. The approach may appear risky because workers do what they think is right, and sometimes may not act in accordance with directives or in accordance with the organizational goals and aspirations. Nonetheless, the HR policies aim at forming a workplace where individuals engage in open communication and trust each other on their respective duties because this could encourage them to work harder and give their best.

The regulation at Facebook is in such a way that while the firm generates the goals it wants to achieve, workers have to identify how to attain those aspirations on their own. The high measure of autonomy reminds every one of the values their intervention bring to the company. The policy is effective because it promotes a culture where one does not require advanced skills to perform intricate tasks (Facebook). The approach does not only boost diversity at the place of work, but also provides talented workers who have not handled such advanced operations with an opportunity to try or illustrate what they can do. Embracing all workers despite their level of qualification is essential in inspiring those who cannot deliver the best results without such motivational approaches.

The HR policy at Facebook pays attention to other motivational approaches that contribute towards impressive organizational outcome. Haque, Haque,a nd Islam (62) write that motivation is majorly about doing something. Nonetheless, it goes beyond simply completing tasks or working hard because business leaders and their workers can become motivated through various approaches. The awareness helps the staff at Facebook to understand that motivation can come from enjoying the task, and from the desire to attain particular objectives such as promotion or monetary reward (Facebook). Consequently, the team considers intrinsic motivation to be essential in promoting the desire to serve. Most workers have developed an interest to work without expecting any apparent external rewards. Every employee performs their chores because they love it, and wants the best for the company (Facebook). Members of staff feel that it is their obligation to do what is expected of them, and do not wait to be pushed around. Extrinsic motivation is equally essential in promoting performance at Facebook. The approach is similar to operant conditioning where someone acts depending on what they expect in return. The HR team uses various external items and commodities to motivate employees, including promotions, money, fame, increased benefit packages, training, paid leaves, and appealing work environment among other approaches (Facebook). Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play vital roles in stimulating good performance, and the HR team is committed to applying more alluring techniques to increase the desire to serve.

The HR policy at the social networking corporation puts much emphasis on the use of motivational theories, especially goal setting and Maslow hierarchy of needs that play valuable roles in enhancing outcome. Goal setting theory relies on the notion of establishing goals and objectives and working towards achieving them in the subsequent performance (Haque, Haque, and Islam 65). Edwin Locke who developed the theory learned that individuals who create specific and challenging goals perform better than those who place generalized and easy aspirations (Haque, Haque, and Islam 65). Thus, the team leaders encourage workers to set clear and measurable goals that are achievable than one that is inadequately set. Each worker in other words have to be specific in setting their goals, and have set a timeline for finishing the task or obligation. Locke argued that the goal must have some level of hardship in order to motivate one towards meeting the goals (Haque, Haque, and Islam 65). In addition, the company’s HR policy advocates for the use of Maslow hierarchy of needs that is one of the widely acknowledged motivation theories in the world (Haque, Haque, and Islam 63). The framework guides HR leaders to first focus on meeting employees’ physiological needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. The firm tries to meet these requirements by paying workers well so that they can afford to purchase these essential commodities (Haque, Haque, and Islam 63). Besides, the company provides food at the various eateries located within the firm, thereby motivating workers. The team leaders then puts emphasis on meeting safety needs by installing features such as CCTV cameras to heighten security and by enhancing other safety measures such as hiring security personnel to guard various areas (Facebook). HR leaders focus on meeting social needs by encouraging people to intermingle with each other, and by creating an office layout that promotes interaction (Facebook). HR leaders then shift their attention to meeting the self-esteem goals, which entail getting respect from others. The group always reminds its employees to relate with each other in a way that does not cause any misunderstanding, and has a code of ethics to define how each worker relate to others (Facebook). Finally, the company strives to meet self-actualization needs, whereby workers gain the capacity to fulfil their occupational aspirations such as becoming promoted or using their skills or capacity to empower others. The motivational theories provide suitable guidance in motivating workers, which has a direct impact on performance.

Facebook has other attractive features in its HR policy that make it appealing to workers and contribute towards organization growth and success. Workers enjoy the free food that comes with great variety. The company takes care of its workers’ taste and has availed a large and diversified menu (Facebook). Being one of the new firms, the menu at the social networking company is designed as per the interests of its workers. Workers have the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of milk products, cookies, ice creams and other foods, including barbecue (Facebook). The leaders in charge of developing the policy seem to acknowledge that the way to the workers heart pass through the stomach. The quality of food at the Facebook can match some of the best restaurants in the world. Further, the eating criteria in the open sun makes it more appealing.

Other than providing meals that appeals to workers, the HR policy at Facebook promotes hobbies, exercises, and other types of employee engagement. The policy promotes employee participation using various techniques. The policy developers understand that when workers perform their duties without any rest, they become bored and confused. It is why the tech company permits its workers to pursue their hobbies (Facebook). Employees at their free time can spend time at the wood workshop, which engages them permitting them to pass their time creating wooden artworks. The section helps members of staff ease stress and tension and permits them to utilize their creativity and demonstrate their love for art. The policy allows for the inclusion of video games and video theater to keep the workers happy and busy (Facebook). Moreover, the location at San Francisco bay provides an excellent view for bikers, thus making the workplace more appealing. The arrangement plays a vital role in boosting the employees’ physical and mental health. The policy promotes other benefits, including laundry services, dry-cleaning, medical services and haircut (Facebook). Engaging workers through various activities makes them active and increase their chances of performing well.

The HR policy at Facebook promotes a culture of boldness, taking risks, and moving swiftly. Each worker tries to bold, take risks that would make them learn new things, and break the norms to stand out from the rest. The HRM managers know that in the world of social media and technology, things have to progress fast (Facebook). Thus, the leaders encourage employees to act without fear and to believe in themselves that they can achieve desirable outcome. The encouragement helps workers to be competitive and to be confident in themselves.

The HR policies focuses on other key factors that promote growth and success at the organization. The regulations direct that selection of workers require keen analysis of personal features of an applicant and their spouse. The critical examination makes it possible to recruit fully qualified workers who are able to facilitate good performance at the company. The hiring team ensures that all the information candidates provide are valid, and do not contain any flaws. Besides, the corporation HR policy emphasizes on employee training and development, which go beyond orientation training to encompass sensitivity training and field skills and experiences that will allow the HRM leaders to better understand cultural variations. Training and empowering employees enhance job satisfaction and increase morale among workers. Equipping workers with better skills elevate their motivation, and increase their efficacy in handling their jobs, resulting in financial increase. The HR policy at Facebook encourages employee training to develop their capacity to embrace and apply new technologies and approaches. Besides, HRM promotes training of workers to elevate the organizational image, and to lower turnover rates that could affect performance.

Comparison with other HRM Policies

The HR policies at Facebook reflect that of other leading corporations in the U.S. For instance, the social networking company adopts a similar HR policy as Google in the way both companies focus on empowering, motivating, and engaging employees. The policy developers believe that the company will succeed if it hires and retains the best talents using all available strategies (Google). The corporation formulated a new HR framework in an attempt to advance the way workers interact with each other and avoid cases of harassment at the workplace (Google). The policy seeks to maintain an organizational culture of open engagement, while emphasizing the need to respect each other. Google is committed to save its reputation from previous complaints concerning trolling and harassment that happened using internal interactive avenues, such as messaging and emailing. The HR initiatives by Google resemble that Facebook in the way both tech giants focus on creating an environment that appeals to workers in a bid to stimulate them.


The HR team at Facebook develops policies that promote organizational growth and success because of the increased morale workers get by following the guidelines. The policy focuses on creating a work environment where everyone has a chance to express their views and contribute in decision making. The group understands that workers are likely to achieve the best results when they function without much pressure and stress. The company’s HR policy advocates for motivation, and relies on both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational approaches. Also, workers get to enjoy free food, medical cover, and training among other benefits. The HR policy at Facebook resembles that of Google that pays considerable attention to empowering workers and increasing their autonomy.

Works Cited

Abbas, Ali, Hussein Adel and Khali Hussein. “The Effect of Hostile Work Environment on

            Organizational Alienation: The Mediation Role of the Relationship between the Leader

            and Followers.” Asian Social Science, vol. 13, no. 2, 2017, pp. 140-158.

Facebook. “Facebook.” Facebook, 2020.

Gill, Carol and Meyer Denny. “The Role and Impact of HRM Policy.” International Journal of

            Organizational Analysis, vol. 19, no. 1, 2011, pp. 5-28.

Google. “Google.” Google, 2020.

Haque, Mohammad, Haque Mohammad, and Islam Shamimul. “Motivational Theories – A

            Critical Analysis.” ASA University Review, vol. 8, no. 1, 2014, pp. 61-68.

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