CareTech Company

Posted: February 21st, 2020





CareTech Company

Literature Review

Human resource managers have to manage the interests of different groups. They are tasked with ensuring the welfare of the workers in an organization. They have to know these interests to ensure that job productivity and performance remain at optimum levels. Employee relations involve managing good relations between the management and the human resources. This requires proactive approaches to diverse issues such as grievance and dispute management, disciplinary actions, awards and trade union practices among others (Deb 14). The manager has to know how to deal with the demands and expectations of the employees. Employee relations tend to be complicated because of the different personalities and attitudes involved. Companies establish various rules aim at regulating employee behavior. Rules such as penalties and warning issued are meant to discourage bad behavior. Other rules such as autonomy in decision-making are meant to encourage good behavior among the workers (Carbery and Cross 190).

Ideally, employers and employees should cooperate with each other. However, this is not usually the case and differences are bound to emerge between them. Conflicts arise and both parties use their power to gain an advantage. Many companies have developed grievance and disciplinary procedures to deal with any emerging conflicts. Every person in the organization is aware of the rules that he or she is expected to observe as well as any procedures to be followed. The management is tasked with the responsibility of balancing the interests of different people in the organization.

Human resource managers have to consider the interests of the employers and the employees. It establishes rules such as dispute resolution procedures and collective bargaining as a way of dealing with conflict. Some employees are members of unions. The unions represent their interests in cases of disputes with the organizations. They inform and educate their members concerning their rights. Other workers form non-union representation. They select representatives who will forward their interests to the employers through forums, committees, and councils. Unlike unions, these representatives are not autonomous and they do not have as much power (Carbery and Cross 200).

The ultimate aim of human resource managers is to ensure that the organization has the right people to fulfill its objectives. It ensures that the staff has the right knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is tasked with the recruitment and selection processes as well as providing training and development to the employees (Deb 5). Human resource managers have to ensure that the workers skills, knowledge, and other competencies match their job requirements. This contributes to enhancing employee motivation and job satisfaction. This also includes identifying promotion activities.

Employee engagement is important in any organization. Workers who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to perform better. Engagement leads to higher commitment to work and the organization. This happens when employees find their work interesting, challenging, and rewarding. Employees will also be engaged and committed to their organization if they believe in its values and acknowledge that it is a good place to work. Increased engagement leads to low turnovers and absenteeism (Armstrong 158). Human resource managers have the responsibility of ensuring good employee relations. They act as intermediaries between the workers and the management. They can advice the management concerning the different ways it can ensure employee engagement.

Findings and Analysis

The main problems that CareTech Company has include investigations and disciplinary. The company is currently engaged in two major projects, which include the introduction of the biometric system and conducting an engagement survey. The biometric system has helped to solve some of the employee problems, especially concerning record keeping. It records the time that the workers get in and the time they leave the institution. This has helped to improve accuracy and reduce human error. The engagement survey is focused on improving communication and employee engagement within the company.

Recruitment and retention are major problem areas within the care industry. Many people who choose to remain in the profession do so because they have a passion for the work they do. The minimal pay and the nature of the work involved discourage people from applying and remaining with the institutions. The company works to increase the number of people by holding open day career fairs. The fairs are informative because people know the types of job available as well as any opportunities for progress in the industry. Other than recruitment and retention, the human resource manager is tasked with the responsibility of solving grievances and disputes. Disputes and grievances can arise between the workers or between the workers and the managers. Employees can also express their dissatisfaction concerning a particular area in their work environment. When solving disputes among the workers, the manager has to conduct an investigation first to determine the cause of the problem. Another problem is gross misconduct among the workers. Physical assault leads to immediate suspension while investigations take place.   

The human resource management at CareTech Company has to find ways of motivating the workers and ensuring that they have job satisfaction. The company admits that it is difficult finding the right people for the right jobs. This is mostly because the workers earn minimum pay for all the work they have to do. The company should consider other ways of rewarding the employees. Non-financial rewards are especially important for motivation and building morale (Entrkin and Scott-Ladd 184). Conducting an employee survey is a positive step in the right direction because it shows that the company is willing to improve its conditions and the level of engagement among the workers. The company’s decision to install a biometric system is also commendable. It shows positive use of technology in the care industry.


  1. Employee engagement means more than collecting data from surveys. The management has to involve the employees in decision-making and increase their participation.
  2. Motivation is a major problem for the institution. Even though the organization may be short of funds, it can find other ways of motivating the employees. For instance, public praise and recognition goes a long way towards improving the workers morale. The management needs to show t hat it values its employees and the contribution they make towards ensuring smooth running of the organization (Namazi and Chafetz 84)
  3. Increased recruitment efforts will ensure that the organization attracts as many people as possible. This will increase the chances of the organization getting passionate people who are not just interested in working for pay but who are committed towards their work.
  4. Increasing the number of staff will help to reduce the workload. Considering that many people in the industry work for minimum pay, it is possible for the institution to increase the number of staff. This will reduce the work that the employees have to do and it will be a motivating factor.
  5. Providing decent work conditions is a necessary motivational factor. The management has to design jobs in such a way that employees have opportunities for achievement, recognition for their accomplishments, increased responsibilities, growth and development, and challenging work (Gordon, Grant, and Stryker 114).

Works Cited:

Armstrong, Michael. Armstrong’s Essential Human Resource Management Practice: A Guide To People Management. Philadelphia: Kogan Page Publishers, 2010. Print

Carbery, Ronan, and Christine Cross. Human Resource Management: A Concise Introduction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Print

Deb, Tapomoy. Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Dist, 2006. Print

Entrekin, Lanny and Brenda, Scott-Ladd. Human Resource Management and Change: A Practicing Manager’s Guide. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print

Gordon, George K. Leslie Grant A. and Ruth, Stryker P. Creative Long-Term Care Administration. Springfield: Charles C Thomas Publisher, 2003. Print

Namazi, Kevan H. and Paul, Chafetz. Assisted Living: Current Issues in Facility Management and Resident Care. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001. Print

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