Carbon Capture and Storage

Posted: December 21st, 2022

Carbon Capture and Storage

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Carbon Capture and Storage

The essay pays considerable attention to the concept of CCS that receives both positive and negative criticism on equal measure. Consequently, the paper presents an overview of the innovation as well as an historical context showing how the technology came into being. Further analysis provides information about the possible benefits associated with the technique as well as the deficiencies that implementers are likely to encounter. Also part of the issue is a prediction of how the innovation will be applied in the coming decades. The section illustrates how the technology will only be applicable in future by overcoming the evident limitations associated with the technique.

Overview and Historical Context

Overall, carbon capture refers to the act of trapping carbon dioxide emitted by combusting fossil fuels or other biological or chemical processes and storing it in such a manner that is not usable to contaminate the environment. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) entails capturing, moving, and storing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from energy intensive sectors, fuel power plants, and gas production fields by rechanneling GHGs into the ground (Babarinde & Adio 2020, p. 5; Shirmohammadi et al. 2020, p. 37). The proponents of the technology argue that the approach can be utilized to mitigate the effects of emission-intensive sectors like chemical, steel, and cement production (Ringrose 2020, p. 4). However, it is imperative to acknowledge that CCS will never entirely suppress emissions, especially where it is applicable in highly-polluting gaseous and coal initiatives.


More teams continue to advocate for the use of CCS, which gives the approach considerable strength. Qin (2009) informs that since the 33rd G8 Summit conducted in Toyako, Hokkaido, Japan, on July 7th–9th, 2008 that declared its support for advocating the establishment of about twenty completely furbished facilities to facilitate CCS demonstration programs globally by 2010, the technology for combating unregulated GHG emissions has been getting enhanced attention from various groups, from academic institutions and government agencies to the public and the media. The article by Qin (2009) further informs that the technology is expected to be one of the top-four priority areas for China-U.S. climate engagements starting from the time Obama was in power going forward. Also supporting the idea that CCS is increasingly becoming prominent are Best and Beck (2011, p. 6142) who argue that in the past CCS in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has received low attention as an approach to mitigating emissions and has not received much focus as a suitable climate and energy policy because of perceived constraints and the need for enhanced research and development (R&D). Consequently, Best and Beck (2011, p. 6142) argue, PRC has focused its climate change mitigation focus on renewable forms and efficiency. More recently nonetheless, the approach has been getting increased attention within the country and is perceived as a cutting edge innovation. As a result, the Chinese government has embarked on initiating and becoming engaged in various research initiatives associated to R&D of carbon capture and storage and related actions, encompassing making reference to policies to encourage technological growth in this field. Moreover, the attention CCS continues to receive has led to the establishment of CAGS and COACH where associations in this field is offering more detailed description and awareness to recognize appropriate storage capacity.


Whereas proponents argue that CCS present an opportunity to address emissions of GHGs, it is possible to identify some limitations associated with the practice, thus calling for much awareness on the potential constraints associated with the technology. One of the challenges that users are likely to encounter when using CCS is that the process is considerably costly. Critics contend that after years of CCS researches and a lot of money invested globally, there is little to show for the commitment (Das & Kumar 2016, p. 1386). Mascarenhas et al. (2019) argue that when CCS is attached to gas and coal power generating firms, it is expected to be six times more costly that power generated from wind energy supported battery storage. According to the writing by Mascarenhas et al. (2019) every CCS initiative that has been established has so far ended in substantial delays and significant financial constraints. Globally, CCS projects and trials, particularly on coal-powered stations have produced worrying outcomes. The few teams that have remained resilient in using such approaches have evidently surpassed their schedule and budget. The article by Climate Council (2022) also supports the notion that very few CCS programs around the globe has produced targeted outcomes within the stipulated timeframe and budget. Very few have also succeeded in capturing the targeted quantity of carbon.

An example of a failed CCS program that has caused its investors to lose a lot of money is the Gorgon Gas Plant by Chevron in West Australia. The Climate Council (2022) terms the initiative the biggest tried project of this kind anywhere around the globe, which the federal government termed as the pioneering initiative. Affiliated to a gas firm constantly battling cracks and leaks, the CCS trial in Gorgon has been a considerably, costly failure (Milne 2021). The project that the government termed as a flagship captures less than half the GHG emissions required to make such an initiative viable, with the injection program of injecting carbon dioxide costing nearly $2 billion (Milne 2021). As of mid-2021, the initiative has achieved a milestone with half a decade of failure, falling billions of tons short of its target. If the owner of the project is needed to make good on its botched promise of utilizing carbon credits, then it will have to put aside about $100 million to the already $55 billion used to build the liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant (Climate Council 2022). The description evidently suggests that CCS engagements could be costly, especially if the owners and implementers of the practice are unsure of the outcomes.

The cost-related prices related with CCS is not only a concern in Australia where what many thought would be a key global model on the effectiveness of the approach failed, but also in China where the expensiveness of the initiative derail many developers from embracing the practice. According to the paper by Best and Beck (2011, p. 6144) the cost of implementing CCS in the country could differ from the considerably low early opportunities industrial initiatives, up to more costly initiatives in power and industrial operations. As is widely the situation, Best and Beck (2011, p. 6144) contends, the financial obligation of CCS is a major obstacle to the effective execution of CCS in PRC. The researchers believe that the costs associated with the implementation of the technology should be addressed along with other mitigation techniques in terms of the costs of in-actions and possible increment in upcoming CCS programs if mitigation plans are not enacted early enough.

The other issue associated with the use of CCS is that not much knowledge is available regarding the implementation of CCS, a deficiency that makes it difficult to get the most lucrative outcomes from the process. Best and Beck (2011, p. 6142) informs how the Chinese have increasingly become involved in actions associated with R&D of CCS. Despite the commitment, nonetheless, there is need to incorporate the present knowledge and encounters via large-scale CCS demonstrations and illustrations. The authors feel that carbon dioxide storage capacity in PRC is one area where additional information is needed as prevailing geological illustrations have not offered detailed and reliable feedback and solution. To mitigate the knowledge gap, China is partnering with various international institutions and governments to work together on CCS initiatives, encompassing in Australia, the U.S., the UK, and EU. China is also expanding its ties to Japan and Norway. It has enlisted as a member of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum established by the U.S., and is also an affiliate of the Global CCS Institute introduced by the federal government of Australia (Best & Beck 2011, p. 6145). China hopes that taking part in such programs and many others will help it gain relevant knowledge associated with effective implementation of CCS.

Potential Role of the Technology in the Coming Decades

Significant commitment has already gone into deploying the CCS technology, which implies that the solution may become more applicable in the coming decades. The research and development initiatives committed into developing CCS, for example, is a good illustration that the process may become more suitable moving forward. In addition to the attempts to gain more knowledge on how the area works and possibly use the innovation to minimize emissions, various projects have already been set up in various locations across the globe, thus reiterating that the concerned parties are committed to make the alternative more viable. In addition, despite the financial burdens associated with financing such projects, governments and key stakeholders have remained steadfast in channeling needed money to see such projects established in various locations (Khosroabadi et al., 2021). The continued pumping of funds into such programs despite the high-cost associated with the program suggest that its implementers appreciate the values it brings and are confident the technology will transform how organizations and private businesses regulate harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The other factor, which suggests that the future of the technology is bright is the ongoing international engagements with the objective of gaining more insight into how the technology works. China, for instance, takes active roles in the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Change program that brings groups from different nations together to share information and relevant knowledge on how CCS works and how to address challenges associated with it. Hopefully, the international cooperation will become more effective going forward to create an opportunity where implementers have the relevant information they need to conduct their operations.

However, it is essential to consider the potential constraints associated with the technology even as more institutions consider it as a potential option to countering GHG emissions. It is imperative to identify why the cost of CCS is high and find ways for mitigating the problem. However, continued high costs would deter many groups from exploring the benefits associated with the technology (Dyksterhuis & Muller, D 2017, p. 35). There is also need to encourage practices that promote sharing of information to create a scenario where those involved with the process are equipped with the relevant information that they require to get the best out of the practice (Cherepovitsyn et al. 2020, p. 8371). Researchers can play crucial roles in ensuring that people get necessary materials by engaging in various researches that will provide needed information about what needs to happen to excel in this area. In addition, there is need to come up with clear policies that guide how the area works (Jones & Lawson 2021). Those involved with the technology should be familiar with how the policies are structured and their requirement. Nonetheless, disregarding these critical concerns could derail the development of the technology and its implementation.


The analysis identifies some limitations associated with CCS. A key concern is that the process is considerably costly yet the implementers are not guaranteed of the outcomes. Key projects have failed to kick off or have not progressed beyond certain stages because of the costly nature of such engagements. Some groups have lost billions of money by engaging in such affairs with the hope of strengthening their capacity to counter harmful emissions. The other issues associated with the technology include lack of adequate knowledge on how the innovation works and lack of clear policies regulating the field. It is possible to determine the future applicability of CCS by examining both the merits and demerits of the innovation. Overall, it would be possible to benefit from the technology by addressing some of the concerns associated with the approach of mitigating the emission of GHG.

Reference List

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Best, D, & Beck, B 2011, ‘Status of CCS development in China’, Energy Procedia, vol. 4, pp. 6141-6147.

Cherepovitsyn, A, Chvileva, T, & Fedoseev, S 2020, ‘Popularization of carbon capture and storage technology in society: Principles and methods’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, pp. 8368-8392.

Climate Council 2022, What is carbon capture and storage? Available from: <> [May 15, 2022]

Das, S, & Kumar, J 2016, ‘Carbon capture and storage’, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 1385-1388.

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