Business Press Articles: Written Analyses and Discussions

Posted: March 27th, 2020

Business Press Articles: Written Analyses and Discussions

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Business Press Articles: Written Analyses and Discussions

Chapter 1

The first article largely reveals varied dimensions of organizational behavior from a contemporary point of view. In synopsis, the respective periodical focuses on the challenges that the modern workplace environment presents concerning the provision and distribution of occupational opportunities for today’s plausible graduates. In an effort to illustrate the issue, the article focuses on the plight of a capable applicant, Scott Nicholson, and his efforts in job hunting. Even though he graduated from university with a GPA of 4.0, Nicholson has only received one offer in five months of job searches and applications (Uchitelle, 2010). The offer, which proposed a salary of $40000 per year as an associate claims adjuster, was not a satisfactory fit for the subject in question based on a career-based perspective (Uchitelle, 2010). Based on the case, the article highlights the extent of generational change in thought that contemporary job applicants possess – an aspect that seems to contribute to the predicament facing persons within the same demographic as Nicholson.

The article largely relates to the notion of organizational behavior and some of the dimensions that determine the ideal employee in the contemporary workplace. Generally, organizational behavior simply refers to the manner in which persons and factions interface in a firm. Organizational behavior is relevant because it illustrates the level to which patterns of attitudes and behaviors may actually affect the performance of an organization since the internal environment may fail to identify these essential aspects (Robbins & Judge, 2013). In relation to the article, the subject of organizational behavior is reflected by the challenges that many job applicants are facing as far as the acquisition of preferred occupations is concerned. This is rather interesting considering the fact that past generations – as illustrated by Scott’s father and grandfather’s successes – did not encounter such issues (Uchitelle, 2010). In this context, the issue seems based on the changes that present organizations advocate for, which seem to constitute a preference for interpersonal skills over technical aptitudes.

The disparity that exists between organizational preferences may illustrate why the present workforce seems challenging for many applicants. While technical skills may prove instrumental in the applicant’s resume, the shifting attitudes towards the incorporation of interpersonal skills establish the former as more of an added advantage. After all, interpersonal skills have proved fundamental in enhancing the performance of an organization based on the foundational premise that the comprehension of behavior actually assumes a responsibility in a leader’s effectiveness (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Hence, is the current job market unfair? Correlation to the topic on organizational behavior indicates that the present job searching populace may be reluctant to shift towards the preferences that the contemporary workplace desires as illustrated by Scott’s rejection of the only offer that he received after searching for five months. However, these changes in thought are needed for present-day applicants to attain plausible job prospects.

Chapter 2

The second article depicts the notion of diversity, the role that it assumes within the workplace, and the challenges associated with it in relation to the respective environment. Accordingly, the article concentrates on the subject, Erin Callan, and the degree to which her gender or perspectives on gender may have actually contributed to her present state of unemployment. The critical aspect regarding the case in question involves the challenges that the subject in question suffered despite her academic merit and her experience in managing one of the most influential financial institutions in the United States, Lehman Brothers. Despite her academic and occupational successes, Callan was subjected to an indefinite form of unemployment even though most of the male executives that she worked with at the respective firm regained employment within prestigious sections of the financial services sector (Sellers, 2010).

Nonetheless, the exhilarating part regarding the article involves the attention directed towards Callan as a woman. Rather than focus on her ability, the article concentrates largely on her female characteristics, particularly her sense of fashion (Sellers, 2010). The focus on such matters within the article relates to the respective topic since it highlights the degree to which workplace diversity affects organizational behavior. Indeed, the workplace environment is comprised of individuals and groups that possess different characteristics and backgrounds (Robbins & Judge, 2013). As such, organizational behavior assumes a role in ensuring that diversity is appreciated and utilized to the organization’s advantage by focusing on the recognition of these differences and implementation of platforms that affect the organization in a positive manner. The situation that Callan has faced illustrates the lack of embracing diversity – after all, sex or gender is a dimension of diversity as far as society is concerned.

Additionally, it is imperative to note the level to which gender assumes an essential aspect in determining the significance of workplace diversity. Over the years, the workplace environment has always favored the patriarchal order hence providing leadership opportunities for male employees in contrast to female employees (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Callan’s predicament further proves this based on the way most of her male colleagues, including Fuld, were able to attain opportunities within the respective sector despite the negative reputation that Lehman Brothers suffered (Sellers, 2010). Interestingly, the article’s correlation to the notion of diversity within the workplace reflects the issues that face certain groups, especially minorities, over others as an outcome of a prevailing system based on conventional mores and norms. Nonetheless, the recognition of diversity as an aspect of organizational behavior has necessitated frameworks that actually reiterate the concept of equity, fairness, and lastly, inclusion.


Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Sellers, P. (2010, March 8). The fall of a Wall Street highflier. Fortune. Retrieved from

Uchitelle, L. (2010, July 7). A new generation, an elusive American dream. The New York Times. Retrieved from

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