Book Report #2

Posted: September 10th, 2013





Book Report #2

Bill Crow is a renowned American jazz bassist and author. He wrote the book Jazz anecdotes: a second time around which is a compilation of the stories that jazz musicians have been sharing over the years. The stories have been passed on from jazz player to jazz player as a form of tradition. They are normally about the experiences that the players have got from years of playing jazz. It is an insight into what the jazz world entails. From page to page, there are memorable stories about different jazz artists that act as a learning forum for other artists to sharpen their skills. Crow was able to get the stories from a wide variety of sources. He interviewed people, read biographies and mostly depended on oral stories that he had been told during career.

The book has touched on a number of topics that are pertinent to any musician. It has talked about the importance of a good nickname, teaching and learning, prejudice and discrimination and life on the road. These topics are all very significant as they act as a learning point for any musician. A good nickname is crucial as it helps a musician curve a niche for him or her in the industry. A catchy nickname will always be remembered by the fans. The teaching and learning aspect teach musicians things that they would never have known. They can be viewed as trade secrets as they help musicians identify with one another. For instance, it teaches musicians to be careful when signing contracts so that they do not find themselves trapped in unfair contracts. Pride and prejudice covers issues that help musicians know what to expect from the audience. It prepares them for different scenarios in the industry. It shows them that you can never please everyone, so they should not expect that everyone would love their music. He talks about how there is racial prejudice in America especially in the South (Crow, 148).

The book is good as through it, different angles of the music world are explored, particularly jazz music. One is taught in a unique way about music. The author has employed a contemporary way of imparting knowledge to fellow musicians. The book is funny and at the same time inspiring. It has given a voice to many musicians. It has provided an avenue for the musicians to impart knowledge to young and upcoming artists. It helps one to understand the different jazz artists and their unique styles. It can help a musician discover new things about themselves through what they read about other musicians that have gone through similar challenges.

Jazz anecdotes: a second time around, is a great book that every musician should read regardless of the genre they are pursuing. I learned a lot that has helped me improve myself. I liked that the author was versatile and used a unique way of writing. I loved the stories as they were humorous and I felt like they identified with me as a young person trying to find myself. It showed me that for an artist to achieve success, they need patience. One does not wake up and be successful. They usually have to struggle, but once they make it on top they feel that it is worth every challenge. Bill Crow is an extremely talented person and not only as a musician, but also an author. Since artists are different, the book will have different impacts on them. This book helped me discover a lot about myself and showed me that everyone goes through similar challenges.



Work Cited:

Crow, Bill. Jazz Anecdotes: Second Time Around. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

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