Posted: September 9th, 2013
- The image of the soldier poet seems unlikely because it would seem to be contradictory to the nature of work required of a soldier. Poetry requires self-analysis. Given the horrors one would endure on a battle field, where moments of reflection are hard to come by, it would seem that drawing out ones true emotions, amid all the death and carnage a soldier would carry out, would not only be detrimental to a soldiers frame of mind but also pose a danger of distracting him from his purpose of a battle field.
- In the poem, true enough the soldier grants an accurate description of the battlefield but his message is not clearly put across because one needs to be in a particular mindset or have gone through a similar experience to clearly grasp what the poet is trying to put across (Adams, 2011).
- Here while the reader can certainly put his imagination to task to try envisioning the impact of war, there is a chance that many would be unable to comprehend the horror.
- Artistic works such as these would not be successful today as this generation is much shielded from the realities of war and from pain only coming across to in passing before changing the channel. It is certainly true that one needs to have experienced tremendous pain to understand the soldier’s dilemma.
- One sees double consciousness in the poem “hatred” by Gwendolyn Bennet (1926). The main theme is indeed hatred as the title suggests but one can feel the extent of her passion in her words.
- To jump back in time and meet Gwendolyn Bennet would be a real pleasure as her inner pain is put across so blatantly and yet so delicately that it evokes pure emotion from the reader.
- During the prohibition, Harlem appealed to the whites because to them it appeared to be exotic, vibrant, and rich. During the day thee people were separated by race and social class but during the night, none of this mattered once you hit the dance floor. It was a place of fun and laughter, which came alive at night.
Adams, L. (2011). Art across time. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bennet, G. (1926) Hatred. Opportunity June 1926: 190.