ANOVA Interpretation

Posted: August 26th, 2021

ANOVA Interpretation


Institutional Affiliation

ANOVA Interpretation

Question 1

The tables are in APA style as they are arranged in an orderly manner of rows and columns. The tables are also labeled as Table 13, Table 14, and Table 15, which is a significantcharacteristic of tables named in APA style.

Question 2

Only one-way ANOVA was run in the excerpt as Tukey HSD tests were employed in the data, which is a single-step used in statistical analyses for multiple data comparisons.

Question 3

Table 14 denotes the values of Fa that are greater than **p < .001. This value is given by the relationship between ANOVA data sets where t is calculated by F = t2

Question 4

Only one ANOVA sets are significant that meet the criteria of adf = 2.260. Question 5 data sets have Faequivalent to 1.05.

Question 5

Data set on questions 2 and 3 are significant at the .001 level as they have **p< .001, and their Fa   values are 10.24** and 12.46**, respectively.

Question 6

The high score in Table 14 for question 3 means that students with RMD scored the highest on the problem-solving activity.

Question 7

The result for Q4 in Table 14 implies that students without learning disabilities scored the highest on the problem-solving activity.

Question 8

Only two ANOVA sets are significant that meet the criteria of adf = 2.260. The two data sets are questions 1 and 4.

Question 9

Only Question 5 ANOVA by reading level was significant at .05 levels.

Question 10

Q3 in Table 15 implies that students with low reading levels were helped by the video in the math problem-solving activity the most.

Question 11

The low levels in Q5 in Table 15 mean that students in the low reading group said that statement was truly less than students in the other groups.

Question 12

The difference in Q2 in Table 15 is only significant when p is less than .001

Question 13

Tukey test for Q3 in Table 15 implies that students with high reading ability thought it was sometimes true that the videos helped them understand the problems more. In contrast, students with medium reading ability thought it was less accurate, and students with low reading ability did not believe it was true.

Question 14

The null hypothesis to be adopted is there is no difference between students in the three disability groups on the question of if they like the problem-solving activity

Question 15

The null hypothesis for Q2 in Table 14 should notbe dropped as it is showing a direct correlation between the data sets.

Question 16

Q2 in high reading level has the lowest level of variability.

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