Posted: September 3rd, 2013
The original mission statement of the organization states that “Bringing comfort to our customers, supporting business and commerce, and building strong communities.” In line with the nine characteristics of a mission statement, the revised mission of the American Electric company is to enhance the lives of customers, supporting business and commerce, and building strong communities in America by providing them with quality electricity using state of the art technology while taking concern for the environment and people with whom we operate. In order to adequately execute this mission, the company has outlined a definitive vision; a concise strategy to be executed under the company’s set values and culture. This is highly important in ensuring that the company it not derailed from meeting its key mission.
The main customers of the company are the American citizens. The main product that the company mainly deals in is the production and transmission of electricity to convenient locations where the customers can easily access it. The company has so far made considerable strides in the achievement of this fete. Currently, the company is considered as on the largest in the entire nation in terms of electric utilities. The company has so far been able to supply electricity to over five million customers in eleven states.
The company currently generates close to 36000 megawatts of electricity and this is supplied to its customers through over 39,000 miles of transmission lines. The company is endowed with eighty power generating stations that mainly comprise of coal, gas, nuclear. Other sources of power generation employed by the company include the construction of wind generators making the by far the largest harnesser of wind energy. This highly works in ensuring that the company produces electricity with methods that are safe to the environment.
The company envisions maintaining this market leadership in being the largest electricity generating and transmitting company in the entire region. The company also purposes to be maintaining leadership in terms of technical innovation in terms of production and transmission of electricity, updated environmental technology and customer systems. This lies in line with the technology characteristic of the mission statement. The corporate market is highly dynamic, volatile and at times unpredictable. With this regard, companies that aim to attain market leadership and still maintain it need to incorporate technology and innovation in their strategy.
The company also harbors some deep philosophies that govern all the activities that it engages in. The American Electric company sets out the safety of the stakeholders as one of its key values. The company ensures that the staff operates under safe environments and that the customers and the ecological environment are neither harmed by the activities of the company. In fact, the company has on several occasions been considered the best in the electric utility industry. One of them being the Ceres investor coalition report released March 21, 2006. This report outlines the best one hundred companies based on how they incorporate climate change strategies
The company has further retrofitted the operational generating stations with modern emission control technologies and the disbanded the less efficient facilities. The company has further initiated the construction of the foremost commercially-operated large scale integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant. This is a pioneer innovation and will work a lot in setting the company apart from the rest of the market players before they reap the benefits of incorporating this new strategy.
The company further values justice and fairness where it aims to execute the right thing at the right time. This woks a lot in ensuring that the company remains blameless as it undertakes its activities. The value of trustworthiness is maintained by cultivating a culture of sincerity and the setting up of clear-cut communication systems. The company believes in taking responsibility of all its actions. This is why it highly focuses on the value of justice and fairness. By ensuring the latter value, the company can comfortably defend any of its actions and take responsibility of the underlying repercussions.
Other philosophies upheld by the company include upholding citizenship whereby the company aims to work in harmony with the surrounding communities and the various stakeholders as it conducts its activities. The company values respect as it ensures equality and treats all the stakeholders in a respectable manner regardless of position. Further more, the company harbors the value of caring whereby it aims to ensure that it does not cause harm or destruction bur purposes to leave the world in a better position that it found it.
The company’s distinctive concept or competitive advantage is its current leadership of the market. The company’s aspect in being the major producer and transmitter of electricity offers it an added advantage as it can easily acquire new assets and easily convince investors to pump in additional investment. This also works in facilitating the company’s growth and ensuring market dominance even in the future. The ability to innovate and incorporate new technology into its organizational and production structure further works in ensuring that the company maintains a company advantage over other market players who may prove to be highly hesitant and cautious.
The company harbors a deep concern for public image. This is evidenced in the company’s values of responsibility, citizenship, and caring coupled by the company’s culture of mutual care. The company understands that public image is highly important in ensuring a company’s sustainability. People regard a company that cares about their welfare a lot as opposed to those that do not harbor such. With this in mind, the company harbors the value of responsibility whereby the company admits liability for any its actions and in the process ensuring high ethical expectations. The value of citizenship and caring ensures that the company maintains a clean public image at enables the company to engage in efforts that are not merely profit oriented but serve for the mutual good of both the company and the society.
Employees serve a critical role in the running of any corporate entity. This is mainly why the company values safety and mutual respect. Furthermore, disregard of the employees leads to subsequent strikes and boycotts that mainly work in denting the image of the company. The company further recognizes that healthy and satisfied employees translate the same in the production process. This is why the company focuses on the provision of a safe environment for its workers.
One of the company’s strategies is to set the standards of safety in the transmission and distribution systems. The rights and safety of the workers are also ensured by the various policies that are enforced buy the state. By implementing the strategy of cultivating a strong and prolific relationship with the state officials and regulators, the company ensures that the safety of its workers is guaranteed as outlined in the state’s regulations.
The company purposes to provide the service of electricity supply to all the American citizens in the best and efficient means possible. This means satisfying the customers with both the time and space utilities. Furthermore, the company has the responsibility of exercising respect and courtesy on all its customers. This means that the company is to focus on ensuring that unnecessary complaints and conflicts do not arise either between the dealers or the customers.
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