Age or Gender Differences

Posted: August 27th, 2021

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Homework 3

Age or Gender Differences 

From the illustration of figure 4, there are age and gender differences concerning the prevalence of Asthma. The confidence interval for the females’ population-based on Asthma’s prevalence rates is at 5.8%, with the male counterpart at 4.0% (Akinbami and Bailey 6). Therefore, it implies that females have a higher prevalence of Asthma than their male counterparts in the entire population. Apart from that, children have a higher prevalence of Asthma at 6% than adults at 4.4%. It implies that children have a higher risk of getting asthma attacks than adults across the population. Notably, an asthma attack is more severe in boys than girls between the ages of 2-14 years. However, Asthma becomes more common in girls, especially for those above fifteen years. Undeniably, women and girls are more likely to be affected by an asthma attack. Therefore, they should not be exposed to an environment that can trigger a further asthma attack.

Ethnic and Poverty Level Differences 

There exists ethnic and level of poverty as factors occasioning significant changes based on asthma attacks. Additionally, ethnic differences in Asthma attacks are influenced by socio-economic status. People whose income level is low experience health results that are worse compared with those individuals whose income is high. Asthma attack severity is also high in children belonging to a certain ethnic minority. Specifically, the black community is the most prevalent for this disease at 4.6 compared to the white population at 4.4% (Akinbami and Bailey 6). From the white population group, there are subgroups with American Indians as the highly prevalent community at 6.2%, Hispanic at 3.8%, and Asians at 3.4%. Besides, asthma attacks are very common for individuals classified as found below a 100% level of poverty (Akinbami and Bailey 6). The percentage confidence level for this group is at 6.8%. Therefore, the least affected population group is the one classified at 450% poverty index and above.

Regional Differences 

Experts have classified America into four regions regarding Asthma’s prevalence. These four regions include the West, South, Midwest, and Northeast. The West seems to lead with commonness for asthma attacks at 4.8% and followed closely by Midwest at 4.6%. The least affected region is the South at 4.2% and the Northeast at 4.4% (Akinbami and Bailey 6). Moreover, the US base classification on metropolitan district has rendered individuals living in nonmetropolitan regions more likely to be affected at 4.8%. Otherwise, the populations cohabiting in metropolitan are less likely to get affected at 4.4%. Hence, individuals should consider shifting to regions where the chances of getting an asthma attack are low.

Existence of Obvious Outliers and How They Skew the Data

Multiple race and Puerto Rican are the obvious statistical outliers in this population sample at 9.5% and 9.6%, respectively. Notably, these data lie in the different interquartile ranges from the rest of the samples (Akinbami and Bailey 6). They skew the data in that the picture of the spread seems distorted. These two outliers of data sets would raise the mean and standard deviation, thus impacting the confidence interval.

The Exactness of the Data Pattern 

Figure 4 can be characterized as widespread since the data values seem closely concentrated around the mean. However, the two outliers in data sets bring about a relative characteristic of skewed representation of data. Thus, the data set cannot offer a normal distribution since distortion leads to the figure’s right skewness.

Work Cited

Akinbami, Lara, J., & Cathy Bailey. “National Surveillance of Asthma: the United States, 2001-2010.” Vital and Health Statistics, series 3, number 35, 2012, pp. 1-68. Accessed 22nd Sept. 2020 from

Appendix 1: Asthma Attack Prevalence

Source: Akinbami, Lara & Cathy Bailey (6)

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