
Posted: January 5th, 2023

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The world is becoming dynamic with the changing technological advances resulting in various fashion designs in the community. The change of fashion is attributed to several factors, but in this particular study, fashion and Feminism are the key characters. Fashion and Feminism had shown some interrelationship right from the start of the industrial revolution when women secured employment opportunities in the then male dominated society. With the prioritization of women’s rights and freedom in modern society, fashion is slowly but steadily changing from traditional attire. This study project focused on establishing the relationship between fashion and Feminism in Canada. The qualitative questionnaire method was used as the data collection method, where the respondents were drawn from the various cultural sites in Canada. The study findings were statistically analyzed using both electronic methods, that is, SPSS and Anova. From the study findings, Feminism and fashion are near related to various fashion styles being more influenced by women, and some of the feminism behaviors being implicated in fashion.

Relationship between Feminism and Fashion

Fashion is defined as the application of the latest style in clothing, decoration, and behavior. Fashion design is, therefore, the art application of aesthetics and natural beauty and designs on the current style (Bain 60). Feminism is the prioritization of women’s rights over men in gender equality in the outside world. Feminism and fashion are interrelated with the kind of art and design applied in a particular fashion determined by gender that one is targeting using that design. There is an increase in population in the modern world, generally with the majority of the population in the society being comprised of the young generation (Bain 60). In the young generation, the female gender makes the largest proportion as opposed to their male counterparts. This is being translated to the type of fashion that is trending. This is also due to the market’s target being the larger female generation and the gender stereotyping in society (Okerlund et al. 2018). Therefore, this study investigates the kind of interrelationship between the two variables, whether they are positively or negatively influencing each other.

Literature Review

In modern and ancient life, fashion and gender have always been interrelated, with the clothing one wears defining his gender. This is drawn from the cultural expectations of a specific individual to dress in a particular style. For that reason, gendered dressings are more balanced and role-playing, as seen in the readjustment of feminism definition after the adoption of wearing trousers by women (Okerlund et al., 2018). In society, the color of specific attire worn by an individual determines the interactions. Recent studies show that the color of fashion that a young baby is dressed in determines the interactions between the other individuals with the baby. The previous studies have expressed the relationship between the women and Feminism to even the dressing of the young babies by their mother according to gender.

Change in women fashion as over the past been documented since the employment of women during the industrial revolution (Bitunjac 458). With the increasing freedom of liberty, the women came up with the new models of dressing. The women dressing code has however contributed a lot in the modelling and incorporation of new fashions in the clothing industry.


Questionnaire qualitative method was used to investigate interrelationships between fashion and Feminism. Due to the sensitive nature of Feminism, a good rapport was vital before one got deeper into the investigation of the subject matter. The qualitative method was recommended since it allows one to examine the subject’s opinions, motivations, and impressions under study. The study findings were critically analyzed using analysis tools like Anova. Electronic analysis tools like SPSS were also incorporated in this research work data analysis.


In a population study sample of eight hundred female samples, seven hundred and thirty-six females had already conformed to modern fashion, using makeup fashion to enhance Feminism. A total of five hundred and six women out of the eight hundred samples wore trousers as fashion while fifty-six was as security. Three hundred and sixteen women were willing and dressed their children in both fashions and according to Feminism.


With the fact that Feminism entails advocating women’s rights over men in equality, fashion design is interrelated with fashion. For instance, the mother’s message being passed by the mother than the child as the mother is more close to the baby than the father (Bitunjac 458). Also, society tends to reflect the dressing of a baby to specific characteristics of the mother. Therefore, fashion is more interrelated to feminisms more than masculinity. Fashion has also influenced the feminism culture in the society as depicted in using art by ladies, for instance, the use of lipsticks and makeup by the female gender.

Fashion has been the liberating pathway for the women in the liberation of their freedom. This can be illustrated by women’s accepting their role in society and using their fashion skills to overtake the male-dominated society (Bain 60). The beauty industry’s high fashion style is more influenced by the generous affection imprinted, which is more attractive as viewed by women than men.

Feminism has influenced the fashion industry (Okerlund et al. 2018). The more stunning appearance that is imprinted on dressing calls for attraction. This is as previously proved after the women adopted dressing in trousers where their attractive look outshone from their jeans’ fitness hence influencing the general public to wear fittings even among their male counterparts. This is depicted in wearing clothes and in the other dressing attires like suits and tops. In addition, Feminism has influenced fashion in the post-anti-fashion model (Bitunjac, 458).

Fashion has also influenced Feminism, where the female wearing of trousers, for instance, has sparked the liberation of the women. The female can comfortably wear a trouser without the community’s criticism in addition to creating the security attributed to the wearing of trousers.

Table 1.0 Reasons why women wear trousers.

Fig 1.0 A pie chart showing the number of women wearing trousers and their reasons.

Fashion has pulled up in expressing Feminism as illustrated in the industrial revolution where the women came up with different fashion in the employment world. Women since then, wear clothes based on achieving comfort and mobility (Bitunjac 458). The wearing of pants by women to express their individuality has led to modern sportswear fashion. The research project was limited to questionnaire respondents’ inability to distinguish between wearing an attire as fashion or as Feminism. The research was also limited to some of the respondents unwilling to answer the questions related to Feminism. The research opens a window for further research, which include:

Investigation on the actual fashions influenced by Feminism.

Pinpointing of the feminism aspects in fashion.


Women are also proud of themselves and their bodies and, in return, use this model to express their figure as fashion. Fashion has influenced Feminism in modern society, where women more influence the norm of dressing to nurture and attract attention. New designs and fashions have been a result of feminism behavior like sportswear.


Bain, Jessica. “”Darn right I’m a feminist… Sew what?” the politics of contemporary home dressmaking: Sewing, slow fashion and Feminism.” Women’s Studies International Forum, vol. 54, no.1, 2016, pp. 57-66

Bitunjac, Martina. “Women must not dress as men…: A brief history of female trousers.” Fashion through History: Costumes, Symbols, Communication, vol. 2, no. 2, 2018, pp no. 458.

Okerlund, Johanna, et al. “Statement Making: A maker fashion show foregrounding feminism, gender, and transdisciplinarity.” Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1145/3196709.3196754


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WritingCorrection of the repeated words, typing mistakes and clarification of ideas   
Editing Content and form editing  
Final Read  Proofreading to check on the general flow, correct insertion of complete citations and correction of  any missed mistakes 
Submission   Submitting the final copy of the project.

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