Pricing Policy

Our main aim at is to give the client satisfaction with the work that we do. We therefore ensure that we give the best quality services at the fairest prices. This will definitely keep the client coming back and that is what makes us unique to other online writing sites. Our pricing policy is quite considerate and very accommodating to all our clients. We understand the nature of our clients and that is why we have made our prices as standardized as possible; making them affordabkle to each and every student, of any academic level.

Our greatest priority at is our customer and we acknowledge fully that there would be no us without you. You can therefore, rest assured that we care about your needs and we make your problem ours and ensure that you get nothing but the best at all times.

In order to understand how our pricing system works, here are the factors that we consider:

  • The delivery deadline-the shorter the deadline the more you will be expected to pay.
  • The type of writing you request:

-Writing from scratch-will cost more

-Editing services-fairly cheaper due to the nature of work

  • The academic level of the student

When you order with, you will be able to enjoy our  discounts which change once in a while depending on the season. We have very competitive discounts for all our customers. This includes for both first time and regular customers. The more you order with us, the more discounts you will be entitled to!

We advise our clients to inquire about our discount policies every time they place an order to ensure that they take advantage of all the offers. Our prices are also negotiable to accommodate every one of our clients. We would want all our customers to feel free to speak to us about our pricing and let us know how friendly they are to them. Make an order with toaday and start enjoying our fair pricing for the best academic results!

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You Want Quality and That’s What We Deliver

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We select the finest writers to join our team. They each have expertise in specific topic fields and background in academic writing.

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We offer the lowest possible pricing while still providing the best writers. Our costs are fair and reasonable compared to other writing services.

100% Plagiarism-Free

You will never receive a product that contains any plagiarism. We scan every final draft before releasing it to be delivered to a customer.

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Methods of using inventory as short-term loan collateral


Well done. Thank you.


Creative writing

Thank you outline and paper looks great

Feed or Farm


Thank You!

Caring for Populations: Assessment and Diagnosis


WOW! Beautiful work and way before deadline. Your service has saved me so much time in my crazy schedule with work, school, and family.

Writer's choice


I would like you to know that the paper was just what was requested. Wanjira Mbuthia ; needs to be commended for the outstanding product.

Psychoanalytical analysis of Hamlet


The writer seems to have not proofread the paper. I have found numerous spelling errors. I cannot locate the first citation. Please help in locating a reference that would be attainable to a high school student. The paper was to be written with a minimum of 8 pages. I received the completed order with 7 written pages and an 8th page of works sited

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Racial conflict

American Literature

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Fuzzy Objects Compare and Contrast


Very well done, apart from some minor typos pretty much flawless. Very astutely written.

Cultural Diversity in Professions


Thank you. Professional and complete per guidelines.

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Don’t take our word for it. The best way for you to check the quality of what we produce is to read one or two of our examples. They are on a variety of topics and at all academic levels. Choose a couple that interest you and get an idea of what we can do for you too.

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