Our Writers

brillianttermpapers.org has reached the highest degree of professionalism in the academic assistance field, and we are still making steps towards even better. If an applicant wants to become a writer with our company, it is obligatory for them to pass the registration process, which includes several tests. First of all, we check the writer’s knowledge of English – each writer has to sit a 3hour online test.

The last step is for them to complete a sample paper, which later on is assessed by the Writers Evaluation Department. Our assessment criteria consists of Grammar, Language, Writing style, Professionalism and Readability of all writers’ work. It means that each writer is responsible not only for their level of English, but also for their understanding and expertise in the specific subjects about which they are asked to complete papers.

All the  writers at brillianttermpapers.org, just like any other working person, need proper systems and motivation. Because of this, we have established a flexible system of Quality Control. Twice a month each writer goes through a valuation process. Three random pages are taken from the works they completed over the past fortnight, which are moderated by a professional editor. Our company employs freelance writers from all over. All of our writers at brillianttermpapers.org need to demonstrate a sufficient command of English and a good understanding of other subjects, so all customers can be sure to obtain the writing quality that equates to their academic level, without any compromise.

Once we receive an order from you, we immediately search for the most suitable writer to complete it. Our writer-selection system is constantly being improved. It depends on their knowledge and experience, and relies on a complicated system of parameters of writers’ background and accomplishments. In particular, we make sure that all writers’ current workload allows them time to concentrate fully on each appointment, and to complete it according to your expectations. Call brillianttermpappers.com today for information about how our systems work!


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accounting debate


good analysis thank you

Strategic Marketing Problems


Grade: 97

Writer's choice


I would like you to know that the paper was just what was requested. Wanjira Mbuthia ; needs to be commended for the outstanding product.

Cultural Diversity in Professions


The service is professional with completed projects in advance of due date. Writing style is apt for required level. I recommend this company to every student trying to balance work, family, and school.

Writer's choice

Health Care

Quick response to my order.

With the help of an example, explain straddle postioning.


very satisfied. thank you.

Ethics Vignettes


Thank you

Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith Based Nursing


Hi, I ordered an essay #791277 Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith Based Nursing with the detailed content requirements included in my order. However, the completed paper which I received is greatly disappointed me. Please read my complains as follows: 1).In the first paragraph - The heritage of health and healing in faith communities, the writer wrote: “The objective of Health and healing in faith communities is to provide healthcare in a spiritual setting (Shrivastava, Shrivastava, and Ramasamy, 2015).” The article the writer cited from Shrivastava “Scope of community-based health promotion in health conditions” does not state any information related to health and healing in faith communities. 2).In the paragraph of Healthy People 2020 in program planning for the faith community, neither the writer’s words nor the references the writer picked up from Hayman or Rothman is directly related to Healthy People 2020, or planning programs inclusion of Health People 2020 related to the faith community! 3). In the paragraph of Legal, ethical or financial issues related to parish nursing, the writer wrote, “Legally one has to work closely with a local attorney to come with a parish nursing program to avoid professional liability issues. All medical professionals that provide medical care at the ministry must have professional liability insurance (Deal, 2011)”. However, in Deal’s article “Finding meaning in suffering” which talking about suffering, there is no information found related to legal, ethical or financial issues related to parish nursing which is the content required to identify or describe. This poor quality paper has greatly affected me to turn in my paper on time because I had have to re-write after spent a large amount of time to look for new references when the time was due for it turn-in. I would appreciate if someone can response me as soon as possible. Thanks.

Taking Of Pelham 123


Amazing work! I will be definitely using you guys again! Thank you for all your help!

What\'s Eating Gilbert Grape


Hello I am disappointed with my essay do to the fact that the theory selected was not allowed to be used in my paper I clearly stated that it should of been a personal theory such as erikson, Freud , Carl Jung or runk and they did my essay on a totally different theory is there anyway that it could be re made please!?

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