Posted: December 10th, 2013
Essay Two: Culture, Gender, Identity, and Consumerism
Choose One Option for the Essay
100 Points Possible Minimum of Three Full Pages of Analysis plus a Works Cited
Page (in MLA Format)
Option One: Women, Raunch Culture and The Merchants of Cool
Write an essay that makes connections between Ariel Levy’s “Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture” and the The Merchants of Cool documentary (free viewing website listed in the course schedule).
The introduction/thesis paragraph for this option will present what, when Levy’s article is investigated in conjunction with the documentary, the two texts’ shared, central concern is in regards young women and popular/consumer culture. Finish the thesis by informing readers where you stand in relationship to this concern (the argument).
The body paragraphs will break your argument down into smaller pieces that will be analyzed and supported through evidences drawn from the article, the documentary, and your own experiences and anecdotes. Your goal is to persuade readers that your viewpoint is valid and logical. Consult the “Requirements” section below for assistance with building “TEXT-style” analytical body paragraphs that focus each paragraph on just one topic.
The essay’s conclusion should “wrap-up” the analysis through making connections back to the thesis argument, noting the smart moves you made in the paper, and seeking to leave readers persuaded of your viewpoint about young women and popular/consumer culture.
Option Two: Identity Marketing and The Merchants of Cool
Write an essay that makes connections between Naomi Klein’s article, “Patriarchy Gets Funky: The Triumph of Identity Marketing” and the The Merchants of Cool documentary (free viewing website listed in the course schedule).
The introduction/thesis paragraph for this option will identify between two to four of Klein’s claims then match each of these elements with a claim made in the documentary. These matches can be comparisons or contrasts; in other words, you can pursue points from both pieces that argue against one another or provide mutual support. Finish the thesis by informing your readers what your viewpoint is on “identity marketing” (is it problematic? Why? Not an issue? Why? Both?)
The body paragraphs will break your argument down by concentrating on the Klein-Merchants points identified in the opening paragraph (focus on one pair per paragraph/section). The task is to analyze the pairings and connect this analysis to the thesis argument. Provide support through evidences drawn from the article, the documentary, and your own experiences and anecdotes. Your goal is to persuade readers that your viewpoint is valid and logical. Consult the “Requirements” section below for assistance with building “TEXT-style” analytical body paragraphs.
The essay’s conclusion should “wrap-up” the analysis through making connections back to the thesis argument, noting the smart moves you made in the paper, and seeking to leave readers persuaded of your viewpoint on identity marketing.
Please consult the sample paper posted in previous module and the information below for guidelines to the introduction, thesis, and body paragraphs
Basic Structure of the Essay
• Your last name and the page number in the upper right corner
• Your name, course, and assignment title in the top left corner
• An original title (centered)
• A combination introduction/thesis paragraph or separate introduction and thesis paragraphs. Make sure to include the title of the article or film and the author (or director).
• Body paragraphs built on the TEXT formula:
Topic sentence
Evidence (quotes and paraphrases from the primary source)
eXplanation of the quote
Tie to thesis argument
A conclusion paragraph
• A works cited page
Evidences for the Essay (Quotes)
The essay must contain quotes from the source that the selected option considers; may use personal anecdotes in this essay, but most of the evidence should be drawn from these sources.
Style and Formatting
Please use the first-person “I” for essays in this course. Recent research about teaching writing shows that we – students and professors alike – produce more interesting and powerful writing when first-person is used. Be aware that different professors require different styles; in other words, your present and future college instructors may require the more traditional third-person voice.
In order to be considered for a passing grade, the essay must be three full pages of analysis plus a one page works cited page. Make sure to format your work in Times font, 12 point size, and double-spaced (consult our syllabus for formatting requirements).
The essay must use MLA-style formatting and citation; specifically, the title of the article and quotes must be correctly cited. Consult your BCCC Academic Writing Handbook section on “in-text quotation” for directions and models. The sample below also models MLA formatting for quotes.
Tips for a Successful Essay
•The essay should demonstrate an in-depth, nuanced understanding of the article and the film optioin you select for analysis and will thoroughly address the writing prompt.
•Take care that your work does not merely repeat what the author of the article has written or what the film argues; evidence needs to be used as a point of exploration.
•Visit the Tutoring Center in-person or online. Contact information for our in-course tutoring is posted in the “Tutoring Information” module and the syllabus.
•The essay needs to open with an introduction/thesis paragraph that informs readers what your work will examine.
•Topic sentences will inform readers what to expect in the section.
•The paper is edited for spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar.
•Attention has been paid to formatting: Paragraph indents, spacing, title, and punctuation.
•MLA citation and formatting standards are observed throughout.
•The conclusion brings the work to a satisfactory end.
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