Types of English language learning software according to their specialization

Posted: December 10th, 2013

I divided it into 6 categories – Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking, Listening, Pronunciation, Reading.

The essay should have 7 pages, so that every category should be long approximately 1 page + 0,5 page introduction and 0,5 page conclusion. The number of required sources is at least 4, but can it be more.

You should write general information about every category mentioned above. For example, why the software should be used in elementary schools or why not, if it is beneficial for children, how much time of a lesson should the teachers use it, what kinds of programs are better or worse, etc.

– Keep in mind that this is an essay focused on the use of ICT in teaching English as a second language in elementary schools, NOT just on IT or anything else, so do not include too much technical information.

– If you want to write about a particular language learning software, you can, but do not analyze it, just mention it.

– You can include direct quotations in the word count of the essay, but they shouldn’t take up more than 50% of the text that you will write.

– All information you will write must be based on either an internet source or even better on a book, which deals with “use of ICT in teaching” or other similar topics.

– Do not make up information or provide information from unknown and untrustworthy source. However, this does not mean that you cannot write your own text, but write just a commentary on the information you have found.

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