
Posted: December 10th, 2013

The paper need to contain 4 section totaling 8 pages

Robotics, long used in the manufacturing industry for their efficiency and productivity, have begun to find their way into operating rooms as an emerging technology in medicine. This technology has begun to change the face of modern medicine in several different ways.

I. History of the technology
A. Introduction of robotics to society
1. A brief time line of development of robotics
2. Separate science from science fiction
3. Progression of advancements in technology
4. What lead to development of for use in the medical field?
B. Introduction of robotics to medicine
1. Robotic prosthetics
a) Artificial limb
b) Artificial organs
2.Robotic as a medical aid in surgery
a) Development of Robotically-assisted surgery to overcome the limitations of minimally invasive surgery
b) Mini robots used in diagnostic to development of nano robots

II. Sociological effects
A. Impact on societal attitudes towards surgical procedures
1. Success rate of surgeries utilizing technology
2. Acceptance of robotics in medicine
B. Creation of professional organizations around technology
C. Impact of technology on jobs within the medical profession
1. Job creation
2. Job dissolution

III. Cultural context
A. Evolving outlook towards robotics
1. Kids robots toys to personal robots
2. Robots in space
3. What once was science fiction now becomes science
B. Academic research to further robotics
1. Universities medical programs use robotics and are some of pioneers the advancements in robotic technologies
2. New fields of study surrounding robotics
IV. Media Influence
A. Acceptance of use of robotic technologies
1.Hospitals advertising the success in robotic surgeries
a. Robotics move big surgery to an outpatient procedure
2. Availability of information on surgical robotic technologies
a. Websites
b. Special interest publications
c. News articles on advancing technologies

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