Stressin healthcare workers

Posted: December 11th, 2013

Interactive Poster/Powerpoint Presentation + Summary Report
Commencing week 9
Weight: 30% total
Interactive Poster(20%)
Students will be required to conduct a 3 minute interactive poster presentation by preparing one
powerpoint slide on a significant community health challenge. This health challenge can either be
from the pre‐approved list below or can be a health challenge of interest to the student (Note: that
ifthe topic is notfromthe list below preapproval isrequired by the tutor).
Students will be required to prepare one powerpointslide which will act asthe basisfor yourtalk. In
strictly threeminutes your presentation should include:
A description of the health issue (eg using data from the ABS, AIHW, NHMRC and
other public health intelligence sources).
An explanation of what the key determinants of the health challenge are (eg using
data fromthe AIHW,NHMRC and other public health intelligence sources).
Your attempt to address how this challenge could be targeted by developing 1
new/innovative public health strategy, considering the relevant determinants (i.e.
youmust describe the Who?, What?, When? and Why? of yourintervention)

Summary Report(10%)
Students will be required to write a short essay (500‐600 words) on their topic and intervention
chosen forthe interactive poster.
Within thistask students will provide a essay with the following headings:
Describe the health issue (as above)(150 words)
Explain what the key determinants of the health challenge are (as above) (150
Describe your attempt to address this health challenge, incorporating strategies
relevantto the determinants(as above). (250‐300 words)
The points made within this essay need to be supported with evidence. Therefore student’s work
need to include referencing within the text and an associated bibliography (references are not
included within the work count). Information about writing essays can be found in the Health
Writing and Referencing Guide, located under HERBIE (Health Resources Bank), which you can
access from your L@G website. There are also other resources to assist you with writing. These
PLEASENOTE: The powerpointslide should notinclude allthe words ofthe presentation. We have
provided an example slide below for you to review.Note thatitis both eye‐catching and easily
interpreted.Other posterideas and presentation examples can be found by visiting the “3 Minute
Thesis” presentations via the following link.‐degrees‐

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