Romeo and Juliet compared to A streetcar named desire

Posted: January 16th, 2014

Compare Romeo and Juliet the film and play, and A Street Car Named Desire the film and the play:

a.) White a comparison/contrast using Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet and the film version: note at least three changes and defend why you think the changes were effective or ineffective. Do you think having unknown young actors, Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey, as opposed to recognizable stars, made the film more or less appealing?
b.) Discuss the film version of Tennessee Williams play, A Streetcar Named Desire, concentrating on three changes specifically due to censorship considerations, the Hollywood studio star system, and so forth. Consider the casting of the two leads, Vivian Leigh and Marlon Brando, and the differences in emphasis-if any-between the main character as written in the play and who ends up the main character in the film.
c.) Now, also, compare the two films: Compared to its play source, which do you think was opened up better cinematically (visually)?

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