Reaction Paper with Questions

Posted: September 24th, 2015

Respond to the following questions, as well as thinking about your personal reactions and reflections as you read this text:


  1. Give a brief summary and your personal reaction to reading this text. What lessons/ideas/perspectives stood out to you while reading this book?  How can you apply this information to your everyday  life (career and/or personal life)?
  2. Discuss the incongruities between how Lucy sees herself and how others see her.
  3. Explain how Lucy’s feelings toward her illness evolve over the course of the text.
  4. How are her relationships with her family members impacted by her illness?
  5. How does Goffman’s theory apply to Lucy’s situation? Is she stigmatized because of her diagnosis? Provide 2-3 examples from the text that relate to Goffman’s theory.

6. What model(s) of disability (socio-political, functional, biomedical) would be most applicable to the   way Lucy sees herself?  Be sure to explain your reasoning with examples from the text

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