Posted: December 11th, 2013
Find 1 research article on PsycINFO database (through USF library website) or other database related to college students and some psychological process or concept. It can be anything covered in this class or to be covered
and summary it.
- Find 1 research article on PsycINFO database (through USF library website) or other database related to college students and some psychological process or concept. It can be anything covered in this class or to be covered (e.g., depression, anxiety, sleep, behavior, substance use, groupthink, memory, stress, personality, intelligence)
- make sure you can understand the content and are interested or it may be more difficult to write or summarize
- Print out full article in pdf or word doc format; you will need to turn in to the professor
- write at least a 4 page summary of the article; but NO MORE THAN 4 PAGES; more than 4 page will not receive credit. Please note, the 4th page will be the reference page only; this means 3 pages of written info maximum.
- 1 inch margins all around (top, bottom, sides)
- 12 point font
- double spaced line
- Reference page must be in APA format; if you are unfamiliar with APA format, please see me or the library or Psychology tutor for more information.
Your paper will summarize/highlight all key sections discussed in class regarding how to read and analyze a psychology research article (abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion/conclusion), so be sure your journal article has this information.
- Use the article on blackboard under the assignments tab as a guide (i.e., How to read a journal article in social psychology) and the URL of how to write a research report in Psychology.
- Turn in FULL article (pdf or word format) and 4 page summary of article for full credit by Tuesday, September 17 at 6:20 p.m.
- Attach summary to article and turn in stapled as 1 item
- Non-stapled reports will not be accepted
Please see example below****
Class and Section
The article abstract briefly states. . .
The introduction discusses. . . .