Posted: December 10th, 2013
Grade Level: 4A
Classroom Type: regular education
II. Developing Standards for Classroom Behavior Chapter 6
- Discuss how you will develop and teach the items below.
- Include a description of teacher behavior in these responses.
A. Classroom Rules
1. Development
2. Teaching
B. Classroom Procedures
1. Development
2. Teaching
- III. Enhancing Student’s Motivation to Learn Chapter 7
- Discuss how you will provide instruction that will enable students to experience the areas noted below.
- Include at least one activity or concept in each area. This could be either from the textbook or one that you currently use in your classroom.
- Include a description of teacher behavior in these responses.
- A. Be Actively Involved in the Learning Process
- B. Experience Success
- C. Receive Realistic and Immediate Feed Back That Enhances Self Efficacy
- D. Receive Instruction Responsive to Student’s Learning Styles and Special Abilities.
- E. Be involved in Self-Evaluating One’s Learning and Effort.