Mobile money transfer security in africa and the impact on social life

Posted: December 10th, 2013

The idea
The project is about mobile money transfer security in east Africa and the impact on social life. I want it to start by talking about the importance of security in mobile money systems, talk about the current/relevant security systems in place for the different mobile money systems, how it works. I want to pick and focus on theft of phones as a high risk of the system and there’s not much help preventing this and the impact it has on social life is relatively high. Start by reviewing the amount of mobile phone theft in the area how it has impacted on lives (all information should be accurate statistics).
The idea is to propose a solution and integrate the system into the current mobile money system, to inform customers when they are in a high risk location of mobile theft for them to take precaution to reduce the risk of theft. The process is collecting data of high risk areas from police websites, journal, articles etc. create a map on Google pin pointing the high risk areas integrate it to the system and then link it to customer phones registered on the mobile money system so when an individual on the system is in a high risk area he is notified either by text, flashing light on the phone, pop-up message and then take precaution. I want a current mobile money system diagram in east Africa like MPesa and incorporate this system.
Style and content
The text of the report should, where possible, be written in short precise sentences, avoiding unnecessary and redundant information. It is quite possible that an important aspect of the project may need to be referred to in various sections of the report. If this is the case then describe the aspect fully in one section and reference this section where required e.g. (Chapter 2). Don’t keep repeating the description.
Referencing sources used
But you must reference the work properly. You must put ((” in front of each quote and “)) after each quote. So for example you might write the following in your report.
((“Be rigorously consistent in using the referencing style you do adopt. Such consistency extends to types and placement of punctuation marks, the use of capitalization…. “)) Craswell (2004)
In the references at the end of your report you would show the source as:
Craswell, Gail (2004), “Writing for Academic Success : A Postgraduate Guide” , page 58, SAGE Publications London U.K., ISBN: 1412903017
For a web page the year given first is the creation date of the page, and the date at the end is the latest modification date. If you don’t know the creation date, just omit it. If no date is given anywhere on the web page, just put “(date accessed: year)” in brackets at the end. Notice how the main web space title, which this page appears as part of, is given in italics, with the page title in quotes. This would be referenced in the text as (Inman, 2004).
Inman, D. (2004). “Project Report Writing” , [online] in Project Web Guide ,, London South Bank University, (accessed Fri,22 Apr,2005).
The alternative to this Harvard style of referencing is to use a numeric style of referencing. In that case each reference just has a number [23] after it. The references are listed in numeric order, usually in the order in which they appear in the body of the report.
Note: Sources used should not be more than 6 years old
The main body of a report, excluding Appendices, is typically 10,000 – 20,000words long. You should aim to make your report as brief as possible, and yet still explain all the essential parts of your project. Avoid “padding” as this will detract from other parts of the project.

Project Report Templates
An outline list of the sections and sub-sections of the report, plus figures/tables and Appendices
Thanks to those who helped you!
Half a page on the whole project. Write in the present tense. eg. “This project tackles the problem of.. using the techniques of …. Results show that…”The purpose of an abstract is to inform a potential reader of the content of a report without having to read 2 or 3 chapters. This is a difficult task and should be left until the report is complete. A good way to see how this is achieved is by looking at examples in various journals, or in previous project reports held in the library.
1. What is the project about? (Typically a BIT project is tries to answer a question concerning the business and strategic issues surrounding at least one area of I.T. For example the application of I.T. to an area of business where the uptake has been low so far. Or a new area of I.T. and how it might impact business if taken up)
2. What problems were tackled? (specific questions related to the above that need answers)
3. Why do these problems need solutions? (why the above questions are important)
4. What existing methods have been tried? (how has I.T. been applied to these problems so far)
5. What constraints do you have? (time, PCs, money, user characteristics, software etc)
6. What broad approach was taken? (your project methodology – how did you approach the project)
7. Review of approaches to solve problems identified.
? Library search of journals, books, CD-ROM, on-line databases.
? British reference library search of journals, books, CD-ROM, on-line databases.
? Staff suggestions of reading.
? Library to help with on-line database searches.
? Web resources
8. Conclusions about existing work
? What is achieved?
? What are shortcomings?
? In outline what will you use of existing work?
Synthesis of research
9. Your own conclusions /synthesis based on the section above.
10. Your own thoughts.
11. Questions you need to answer to “test your ideas”
12. How to find answers to these questions.
13. What other approaches / hypotheses could you have tested?
Data collection
14. What data do you need to collect?
? Interviews
? Questionnaires
? Literature search
Summary of your findings
15. Research findings
16. Analysis of data collected
17. Integration of new data – testing your hypotheses
18. Executive summary

Main points on one page (possible at the beginning of the project after the abstract)

Future work
Things you wanted to do but couldn’t
o Why should you do them?
o Why didn’t you?
o What you would do in a different way & why?
o Overview of what the project achieved
o A reflection on the whole project
o How far were the objectives achieved?
o What you would tell a student/friend about the project
These should be presented as two separate sections:
o a reference section listing specific references made in the text,
o a bibliography listing general literature, relating to the project, that has been read.
In both cases list, in alphabetical order, the author(s), publication, date, volume and page. For a book include the publisher and edition.
The appendices should contain all information which is relevant to the project but is not required in such detail in order to understand the content. All information in the appendices must be labelled and reference made to these labels in the appropriate sections of the report. Typically you might include:
o Detailed theory/algorithms
o Program listings
o Full test results

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