
Posted: December 10th, 2013

MKT 315 Assignment #5 (5%)


Chapter 12 and 13


Browse or other video websites and find four advertisements that have the following missions respectively,


  • To inform the market or create desire
  • To persuade
  • To remind
  • To build relationship


For each advertisement, answer the following questions,


  1. What could be the specific objective(s) of this ad?
  2. Who may be the target audience(s)?
  3. What is good and bad about this advertisement?
  4. Do you think this advertisement is effective? Why?


Please provide the hyperlinks of these advertisements in footnotes or Works Cited.




  • Only non-presenters are required to hand in written answers.
  • Show your sources of information in “Works Cited”.
  • Email your answers in a Word document to




Policy for late submission/presentation


For non-presenters


If you hand in your assignment …

Deduction for late submission

before deadline


1 to 24 hours after deadline


>24 hours after deadline




For presenters


If you can’t present on the day,  …

Deduction for missing the presentation

Inform the instructor via email at least 72 hours before the session.

Submit a written report before the deadline for non-presenters.


Inform the instructor via email 72 to 24 hours before the session.

Submit a written report before the deadline for non-presenters.


Inform the instructor via email less than 24 hours before the session.

Submit a written report before the deadline for non-presenters.


Note: if you fail to submit the written report before the deadline for non-presenters, the late submission policy still applies and you have more deduction.



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