indian’s Broken people-The Dahlit

Posted: September 25th, 2015


(available at           approx.. 24 min.


INSTRUCTIONS:    Analyze the video from the point of view of Sociology’s                                              THREE major theories just as you did for your Research                                            paper….


.Structural-Functional Theory


Choose THREE characteristics from the list of Major Theoretical      Perspectives In Sociology…..type each characteristic individually…..and       explain how that characteristic is shown in the video.


Social Conflict Theory


Choose THREE characteristics from the list of Major Theoretical      Perspectives In Sociology…..type each characteristic individually…..and       explain how that characteristic is shown in the video.


Symbolic Interaction Theory


Choose THREE characteristics from the list of Major Theoretical      Perspectives In Sociology…..type each characteristic individually…..and       explain how that characteristic is shown in the video.




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