Final Exam

Posted: January 6th, 2014

Define the following terms as they relate to Christian counseling: (Limit your answers to 50 words or less per term.) Each term is worth three points.
Imago Dei-
Allies Model of Integration-
Trinitarian relationship in counseling-
Holistic counseling-
5 types of confrontation in counseling-
Forms of prayer in counseling-
Attributional style-

Short Essay responses: (Limit your responses to 100 words per question). Each essay question is worth ten points.
Describe the dynamics of an effective therapeutic relationship in a Christian counseling setting.
Discuss appropriate ways to use Scripture in counseling.
Discuss ethical standards for your practice as a Christian counselor.
Define spiritual formation and the role of spiritual formation in Christian counseling.

Long Essay responses: Provide a 500 word response to one of the following. Your long essay is worth 30 points.
Define the elements of personal functioning which constitute a healthy sense of self, healthy sense of need, and openness to healing relationships.

Each section will be based on Multi-tasking approaches based on client need.
Thoughtful and responsible integration of insights and techniques from
psychology, theology, and spirituality. Holistic assessment and intervention approaches that make use of counseling maps and grids covered in COUN 506. Counselor self-awareness and personal clarity about your worldview, faith perspective, and personal spirituality. It is particularly important that you address the ways in which your personal beliefs impact the counselor-client relationship. Clarity about ethical issues to be addressed in your counseling situation.

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