Criminal justice

Posted: January 6th, 2014

This case study is based on Howard Gardner’s Changing Minds text. Please analyze and develop a mind changing strategy for a specific criminal justice policy. First, define the policy you will address. You will then want to address the seven factors/levers to change minds: Reason, Research, Resonance (emotional), Representational Redescriptions, Resources & Rewards, Real World Events, and Resistances. You will also want to address the arenas in which the mind changing will be taking place. The author has provided a useful model in the appendix of the text:  A Framework for Analyzing Cases of Mind Changing. Finally, please identify ethical issues and how you would address them.

Notes from the Appendix of Changing Minds:

Type of idea: Concept/story/theory/skill

Desired content: The mind change being sought.

Countercontent: The idea(s) that run counter to the desired content.

Type of audience/arena: Large/small; diverse (heterogeneous)/uniform (homogeneous).

Format: Intelligences, media, symbol systems by which content is conveyed.

Levers of change/tipping point factors: The most germane of the seven levers, and considerations that determine whether a tipping point is reached.

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