
Posted: December 10th, 2013

Communication 105A Fundamentals of Communication
Culture and Communication Assignment
Beginning of Round 1 and 2 presentation
October 15 and 29, 2012 (Monday)
October 17 and 31, 2012 (Wednesday)
“Out of Body Cultural Experience”
If you had a magic wand what culture would you study and learn more about an out of body cultural experience?
The goal is to learn from another culture and their ability of communication towards themselves and with others.
Scenario: Develop an outline, concentrate on making your paper include the following; introduction, body, and conclusion. Your paper should be typed Microsoft Word or Word Perfect with one-inch margin all around, 10-12 fonts Times New Roman. Length of paper 2-3 pages (excluding cover page and references page), 3-5 minimum of references, and typed double-spaced. MLA or APA style. Pay attention to punctuation. A great paper takes great resources and self-awareness to proofread. Presentation time is 7-10 minutes minimum and 15-20 minutes maximum. This assignment is worth 50 points.
Bring items in class to help the class to learn more about your culture.

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