Cause & Effect Paragraph

Posted: January 16th, 2014

Revised Cause and Effect Paragraph

Hurricane Katrina

Using revision and reflection strategies, create a final draft of the Cause and Effect Paragraph (Historical assignment in week 6). Consider the Four Ps of writing to assist with this process (Purpose, Product, Process and Packaging). What is the purpose of your paragraph? In this case, you are writing a cause and effect paragraph. What is the product? Remember, each of your paragraph assignments uses academic writing (third person, topic sentence, examples, etc.). What is your pre-writing strategy? How will you begin to write this paragraph? The Writing Process Worksheet is an effective tool to use here. Finally, think about packaging. Have you spell checked your work? Have you used the grammar checker on your word-processing program? Have you read your paper over to make sure you do not have minor errors (periods, word choice, etc). Have you used one-inch margins and double spaced the text? Is your name on your paper?

The paragraph should begin with a topic sentence. The topic sentence should state the historical event and should indicate the relationship to cause and effect. There should be three examples used to support the topic sentence. The paragraph must be a minimum of ten (10) sentences. Sentences should be complete and adhere to Standard American English grammar and mechanic rules. There will be no research for this paragraph. Your paragraph will also include a Post Draft Outline (worth 15 points, credit/no credit).

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