
Portfolio Management

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Portfolio Management Assignment Section 1 Question 1 Zero-coupon bonds are the type of bonds whose face value is reimbursed at the maturity date as they assume a positive return and an increase in the time value of money (Sousa et al., 1). Thesebonds do not offer coupons or periodic […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Theory of Second-Order Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Theory of Second-Order Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations Definition of Second-Order Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations Second-Order Differential Equations is a theory about special hypergeometric functions that define solutions for the second-order linear differential equations. As such, a second-order differential equation refers to the differential equation that takes the following form; …equation 1 […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Financial Plan for Richard and Stephanie

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Portfolio Management Assignment Financial Plan for Richard and Stephanie Question 1 Table 1: Financial Plan Richard and Stephanie Financial Plan  Short-term  Medium-term  Long-term   £ £ £ Richard       pension scheme     59220  pension scheme total amount     550000 Annual salary 28500     pension […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

A Plan for Creating the Use of Secure Mobile Devices by Employees

A Plan for Creating the Use of Secure Mobile Devices by Employees Name Institutional Affiliation A Plan for Creating the Use of Secure Mobile Devices by Employees With the ever-growing numbers of employees bringing along their mobile devices to workplaces, a lot of companies have recorded high cases of cyber insecurity. The influx of use […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Using Machine Learning Techniques to Detect Malicious URLs

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Using Machine Learning Techniques to Detect Malicious URLs Abstract The use of malicious URLs to exploit websites for execution of criminal activities is agrowing cybersecurity issue in the contemporary cyber-space. The aim of malicious URL developers is to lure unsuspecting victims into scams or fraudulent activities. In most cases, […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

web-based database

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Term Paper Introduction The way businesses and researches are being done have been dramatically transformed by the growing dependence on the World Wide Web (www). At the same time, the transformation comes with many challenges like resource diversity, almost infinite flow of content, maintenance, and content updates (Holly 167). […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Team Project

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Team Project This memo addresses the classification of cryptocurrency and its measurement under U.S. GAAP about the cryptocurrency holdings of Clientlogix. Thememo first outlines why the cryptocurrency of Clientlogix cannot be classified as cash, cash equivalents, or inventory. While U.S. GAAP does not currently specify the classification of cryptocurrencies, […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Literature Review on the Queueing Models and Inventory

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Literature Review on the Queueing Models and Inventory Introduction                                                      Inventory controls are some of the critical areas of the management of an organization. Typically, there are usually no defined ways or solutions since every firm or organization is different, being influenced by a variety of features and limiting factors. […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Comparing Two Independent Population Means

Statistical Inference Name Institutional Affiliation Statistical Inference Question 1: Hypothesis Testing Case Comparing Two Independent Population Means             When two means are different, there is a difference in the populations. In this comparison, two main assumptions are set first before proceeding with the analysis (Wasserman, 2004; Severini, 2015). These assumptions are: The populations are independent […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Allowance Valuation for Asbat Pharmaceuticals

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date ACCT352 Research Case To:CFO From:Junior Accountant Date: 31st December 2020 Subject: Allowance Valuation for Asbat Pharmaceuticals Purpose The main objective of this memo is to establish whether there is a need for Asbat Pharmaceuticals to record valuation allowance for deferred tax asset account. Analysis To determine whether the valuation […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021