
Computer Incident Response

Computer Incident Response Name Institutional Affiliation Computer Incident Response Question 1: Logistical Consideration in Incident Response Team The incident response involves enacting preemptive measures to help an organization or government be well prepared in case of an occurrence or attack. The actions undertaken include planning, equipping staff with the right tools, training employees to react […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

3D Printing

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date 3D Printing Abstract 3D technology had advanced at an exponential rate since its invention in the year 1984 by Charles Hull when he created the idea of using ultra-violet (U.V.) light to strengthen tabletops’coatings. Initially, it was complicated and expensive, but it is currently present in everyday life, and […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021


Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Question 4 Correlation The father’s education has a positive correlation with childhood height as an increase in the education level leads to a corresponding increase in the child’s height. When the education level is at 0.13, the child’s height is 0.06, and an increase in education to 0.20 leads […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Equity Method and Disclosure

Case 10-3 Equity Method and Disclosure Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor’s Name Due Date Case 10-3 Equity Method and Disclosure Question (a): DynamicDisclosure of the Investment Option Equity method refers to an accounting approach employed by enterprises to evaluate the revenues earned in investment options when corporations make investments. Usually, firms report income from investments […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

The inspiration of “Splice Garden” Analysis by Martha Schwartz

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date The inspiration of “Splice Garden” Analysis by Martha Schwartz Introduction Purpose Statement. In this paper, I intend to offer an in-depth discussion and critique analysis of Martha Schwartz’s design concerning the splice garden. To be precise, the design encompasses a garden room that is sub-divided into equal halves, each […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Tools and Techniques for Securing Microsoft IIS and Apache Web Servers

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Forum 5 Tools and Techniques for Securing Microsoft IIS and Apache Web Servers Apache is vulnerable to computer threats and vulnerabilities, as it is a prime target due to its large users. The primary tool for securing web servers in Apache is the Linux-based Apache server. The technique uses […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Sell It or Keep It?

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Sell It or Keep It? Question Suppose you own stock in a company. The current price per share is $25. Another company has just announced that it wants to buy your company and will pay $35 per share to acquire all of the outstanding stock. Your company’s management immediately […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Mobile Device Attacks Outline

Mobile Device Attacks Outline Christopher Mata ISSC362-IT Security: Attack & Defense American Public University Elliott Lynn May 3, 2020 Mobile Device Attacks Outline This outline will be used to develop a research paper on mobile device attacks. The increased use of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets has some challenges. Users connect to the Internet […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Week 3

                                                                        Week 3                               Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date Week 3 3.1 #8b.             Use the error formula to find a bound for the error, and compare the bound to the actual error for the cases n = 1 and n = 2. b.   f (x) = Hence, if f (0) then, the approximate value […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics Name Institutional Affiliation Descriptive Statistics Stebbins, S. (2020). Coronavirus Spread: In which states is COVID-19 growing fastest? Retrieved May 22, 2020, from Summary of the Article The Article authored by Samuel Stebbins and published by Wall Street on USA Today discusses the state of Coronavirus spread across various states of the USA. […]

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Date: August 26th, 2021