

Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Discussion Filibuster rules are placed to delay or entirely prevent an action from being taken on a bill in the senate through unlimited debate. It allows members of the senate to advance the debate on a bill until at least two thirds of the senate reach an agreement and get to […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

The Electoral College within our Political System

Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: The Electoral College within our Political System             The Electoral College within the political system of the US is usually a selection of people directly selected by voters for each state to choose the president and his vice president. Every state is given electoral votes according to the number of members […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013


Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Discussion             Disenfranchisement of felons is the process by which some people are denied their right to voting. This is because they are felons serving time for the wrongs they did to society. This practice dates back to Roman and Greek era. It was used as a form of punishment to […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013


Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Discussion             The Republican Party is known for its conservatism. They have held on to their original ideals that were made when the party was being formed. As a result, they are driving off voters to the Democratic Party. They are not considering that the world has evolved, and their ideals […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013


Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Discussion             Labor unions are meant to fight for the rights of employees. They act as representatives that protect the interests of employees from the employers. For a labor union to be recognized by employers, they need to have the support of the employees. Therefore, when starting a union for workers […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

The President, Congress and Principle

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The President, Congress and Principle The president commands immense power and is sometimes asked to make life-changing decisions. Congress is also mandated by the constitution to endorse the actions of the president. For example, the president, as the commander in chief of the armed forces, can only send the army to […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

New Financial Regulations and the Danger of a New Catastrophe

Name: Instructor: Course; Date: New Financial Regulations and the Danger of a New Catastrophe The 2008 financial crisis was one of the lowest moments in the financial history of the US. It represented a period in American history where the economic decline was so adverse, it led to a worldwide recession. It was a period […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013


Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Discussion             Terrorism is of great concern to the world. Every country is working towards finding a solution to this problem. It has led to invasions of countries that are known to harbor terrorists to get the culprits concerned. This has led to significant strides towards eliminating these threats. Many of […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013


Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Discussion             The number of convicted felons in prisons has risen over the years. Many criminals are sent to serve time in prisons these days than it used to be before. This has led to overcrowding in the prisons. This is because the prisons system was not built to serve as […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

Altruistic behavior – is there such a thing?

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Altruistic Behavior For long, the subject of altruistic behavior has been studied under various fields. Under scientific viewpoints, altruistic behavior has been studied under social sciences such as anthropology, psychology and sociology. In definition, altruistic behavior is regarded as the application or principle of concern as regards the welfare of other […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013