
Debate over schooling

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Debate over Schooling             Edward Thorndike and John Dewey came up with two different theories on how teaching should be carried out in the schooling system. They forwarded two extremely different theories that they hoped would be adopted by practitioners in charge of the curriculum. Thorndike favored a system of administrative […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

Five Most Important Points for Each Chapter

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Five Most Important Points for Each Chapter Chapter 1 An anti-bias curriculum helps children figure out the difference between fair and unfair treatment. It makes children have a strong self-esteem, and not feel superior or inferior about their social status. Children grow more comfortable with each other despite their differences. It […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

Project MGMT

Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Project MGMT 1. Activity Predecessors Duration (months) A – 3 B – 2 C A 5 D A 3 E B, C 4 F B, C 2         2. Activity Duration Predecessors A 5 days None B 4 days None C 8 days A D 11 days A, B […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology Name: Course: Date: Cognitive Psychology 1. Provide your individual results below (again, just the averages, not the trial-by-trial data). Statistics are based on 108 participants. Averages across participants Condition Mean RT (ms) Neutral 394.38287 Valid 371.61893 Invalid 402.47943 Standard deviations across participants Condition Mean RT (ms) Neutral 96.13388 Valid 85.908585 Invalid 124.00795   […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

The Post Model

The Post Model Name: Course: Date: The Post Model Post People A social network will be suitable for students entering their senior year in high school. Such students would prefer an interactive online session rather than a dull one-sided session. Students in senior high would like a network where they share and post their material. […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

The Next Frontier: Personalized Learning

The Next Frontier: Personalized Learning Name: Course: Date: The Next Frontier: Personalized Learning Current System Personalized Learning System Changing systems in learning towards the personalization of learning has been brought about by the need to engage in teaching and learning that would enable students to engage in education that guarantees success in the classroom. Personalized […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

The Pros and Cons of Psychologists in Hostage Negotiations

The Pros and Cons of Psychologists in Hostage Negotiations   Name: Course: Date:     The Pros and Cons of the Psychologist in Hostage Negotiations Psychologists are used to assist in hostage negotiations, in place of the police who usually do not have adequate skills on how to handle hostage situations. Police always utilize the […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

Critical Thinking Questions

Critical Thinking Questions Name: Course: Date:   Critical Thinking Questions Chapter 17 Question 1 Constructivist theory and web 2.0 are synergized in a way that both support participative learning and encourage the learner to develop and maintain their own content. Both theories of learning emphasize on the need for phasing out of the instructor-based method […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

The Higher Education Bubble

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The Higher Education Bubble The higher education bubble is a speculation by higher education sector observers in the U.S particularly that the higher education system is headed for a downfall. Judging from the accumulating financial debts students and institutions continue to incur, this perceived “bubble” is posited to “burst” in the […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013

Target, Appendix 1, Case 3

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Target, Appendix 1, Case 3 1. What micro environmental factors have affected Target’s performance over the past few years? Target’s performance has been affected by a range of micro environmental factors. The major micro environmental factor was the drop in sales revenues and the dwindling profits. Wal-Mart’s sales were growing, and […]

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Date: August 12th, 2013