
Has Corruption affected the Contractual Relationships between U.S. Oil & Gas Companies with Emerging Markets in West Africa (Nigeria and Liberia)

Has Corruption affected the Contractual Relationships between U.S. Oil & Gas Companies with Emerging Markets in West Africa (Nigeria and Liberia) Table of Content Abstract List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations Literature Related Definitions Acknowledgements Introduction   The Key Concepts The Motive to Conduct the Study Questions to be Answered Thesis Statement Dissertation’s […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

In 2018 Greenpeace Canada ran an advertising campaign called “Don’t suck the life out of our oceans”. With specific reference to the concepts covered in our course, describe the interplay between the dimensions of globalization as represented in these advertisements, the discourse that they represent, and their commentary on globalization.

Final Exam   Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Final Exam Question 1 In 2018 Greenpeace Canada ran an advertising campaign called “Don’t suck the life out of our oceans”. With specific reference to the concepts covered in our course, describe the interplay between the dimensions of globalization as represented in these advertisements, the discourse that they […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

U.S.-China Trade War – America’s Restrictions on Huawei

U.S.-China Trade War – America’s Restrictions on Huawei Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation U.S.-China Trade War – America’s Restrictions on Huawei Introduction Sometimes companies encounter certain issues when striving to enter the international markets and this is evident in Huawei’s case that has to restructure its plans following the restrictions it experiences in the U.S. The […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

Poverty and Income Inequality

Poverty and Income Inequality Student’s Name Course Name and Number Instructor’s Name Date Submitted Poverty and Income Inequality Introduction One of the problems that is evident across the globe is that of income inequality, although the issue happens to affect more developing economies compared with developed states such as the U.S. Poverty and income inequality […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

The Music of India – Classical, Folk, and Popular Music

The Music of India – Classical, Folk, and Popular Music Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: The Music of India – Classical, Folk, and Popular Music The report pays considerable attention to the various forms of music in India, by focusing on classical, folk, and popular music in the region. The study commences with a brief overview […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

Policy Brief – How to Regulate Entry and Stay of Illegal Immigrants in Florida

Policy Brief – How to Regulate Entry and Stay of Illegal Immigrants in Florida Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Policy Brief – How to Regulate Entry and Stay of Illegal Immigrants in Florida Prepared for Bill Galvano, the President of the Florida Senate Executive Summary The policy provides detailed illustrations on how Florida could deal with […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

Comparing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Saudia Ground Series Company (SGS) in Saudi Arabia and Dnata Company in United Arab Emirates  

Comparing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Saudia Ground Series Company (SGS) in Saudi Arabia and Dnata Company in United Arab Emirates   Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Abstract Ground-handling service companies are under similar pressure to airlines and airports to operate in an ethical, socially responsible, and sustainable manner. The demand is likely to increase […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

Disaster Management in Haiti Earthquake

Disaster Management in Haiti Earthquake Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Abstract The 2010 earthquake in Haiti resulted in significant fatalities, injuries, and extensive property damage. Unfortunately, the country was not well-equipped to effectively mitigate the primary, secondary, and tertiary impacts of the earthquake. Regional and international organizations and governments provided their assistance in the early response […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

Volkswagen Case Study

Volkswagen Case Study Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Volkswagen Case Study             Volkswagen is among the leading car manufacturers on a global scale. The company has a workforce of more than 500,000 employees and manufacturers at least 40,000 automobiles every day. It has gained popularity due to the quality and reliability of its products, as well […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022

Business Report  

Name: College: Course: Tutor: Date: Business Report   Sales slumps worry companies because they erode the significant source of revenue. Declining sales can be caused by many factors ranging from poor economic performance in the targeted markets to ineffective marketing. Companies create products and services that should generate revenues and profits. However, poor sales of […]

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Date: December 22nd, 2022