

Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Discussion Present-day society is rife with different avenues for exchange among peers. With the rise in ownership and use of advances such as smartphones, the social media has evolved into a tool substantial enough to exist as a news source. The media has also acted as a crucial element in capturing […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

Racial Wealth Gap in America and Solutions

Name Course Instructor Date Racial Wealth Gap in America and Solutions One hundred and fifty years after the proclamation of emancipation and fifty years after the civil rights movement, one would expect America to have progressed in terms of acceptance and equality. Yet this is not the case. Despite having the first African American president […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

Search and Seizure

Search and Seizure Name: Institution: Search and Seizure The United States Constitution establishes provisions that protect civilians as well as criminal suspects from irrational searches done on their person or property. Specifically, the Fourth Amendment protects citizens and suspects from unreasonable searches by police officers. Aside from this, the Fourth Amendment ensures that civilians or […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

Cultural Studies

Name Instructor Course Date Cultural Studies The lobola custom practiced among some cultural groups in South Africa is a form of dowry payment from the groom’s family the bride’s family. Although many groups have different ways of presenting it, they all have a common purpose. Marriages are not considered legal of consummated in the absence […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

History of the Currency Manipulation Policy Debate

History of the Currency Manipulation Policy Debate Name: Institution: History of the Currency Manipulation Policy Debate The debate over currency manipulation has intensified considerably over the past few years. As witnessed in the United States, the issue has been a permanent staple based on the implications it continues to impose on the country’s export and […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

Strategic Analysis for Under Armour

Strategic Analysis for Under Armour Name: Institution: Strategic Analysis for Under Armour Introduction The sports apparel sector is among the most profitable industries especially in the United States. Apart from the considerable successes of organizations such as Nike and Adidas, the sector proves that it is capable of offering opportunities for positive business exploitation as […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

The Philosophies of Buddha: Rejecting the Caste and the Self

Name: Tutor: Course: Date: The Philosophies of Buddha: Rejecting the Caste and the Self The Indian society is rife with religious euphemisms. In this case, the caste structure and the idea of the Atman offer rational examples. Accordingly, the caste system has consistently dominated the Indian community over time. The conventional fourfold system of priests, […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020


Name Instructor Course Date Management Uber is facing a situation whereby some of its drivers have taken legal action as a way of solving their differences. The drivers’ main complaint is that Uber has not employed them but the company considers them as contractors. They want to be recognized as Uber employees. This will benefit […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

Significance of Inclusive Leadership in a Diverse Workplace

Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Significance of Inclusive Leadership in a Diverse Workplace The presentation focuses on the pertinent relationship between leadership and workplace diversity. The contemporary workplace is comprised of individuals from different ethnicities and backgrounds. Because of this considerable dynamic, laws and regulations have been established in order to facilitate the provision of fair […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020

Reading Summary

Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Reading Summary The article, The Third-Person Effect in Communication, by W. Philips Davison documents the idea of the third-person effect in respect to media and communication for the first time. Accordingly, Davison develops a discourse based on his personal experiences as well as experiments aimed at testing out his ideations concerning […]

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Date: February 21st, 2020