

In his interview, Cass Sustein argues that “extreme” positions are sometimes—but not always—bad. Explain the difference between unreasonable and reasonable “extremes.” What did Sustein’s experiment in Colorado demonstrate about political in-talk? How does that relate to internet “filtering?” What specific evidence does John Palfrey give for his claim that “the use of the internet cuts […]

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Date: September 24th, 2015


Every company has capital projects. The company you have selected must need something! Be it a new wing to the building, a new product line to be funded, a new piece of equipment, find one new acquisition your company needs. Once you have identified the new possible investment item, what problems are you going to […]

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Date: September 24th, 2015


A 5 page analytical essay summarizing how your favorite concepts, themes, epistemic orientations, authors, and peers that you engaged in this class have influenced your perspective on technology, science and politics.

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Date: September 24th, 2015


Compare Augustine’s evaluation of his own conduct with that offered by Socrates in the Apology and the complete lack of self-criticism or evaluation by Achilles in The Iliad (except in Book XXIV). How are these characters alike and different in the appraisal of their own behavior? What accounts for these differences? Response should be at […]

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Date: September 24th, 2015

Income Statement

Prepare an income statement for the company in good format. Always include the name of the company and the period covered in the title. Don’t forget dollar signs where appropriate.

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Date: September 24th, 2015

Hawaiian punch case

write a report  about the case (Hawaiian punch) Fellow the decision-making process Define and clarify the issue – does it warrant action? If so, now? Is the matter urgent, important or both. See the Pareto Principle.  Consider and compare the pros and cons of each option . Explain your decision to those involved and affected,

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Date: September 24th, 2015


ntroduction ch1: history of conatiners ch2: types of containers ch3: container dimensions and standards ch4: special conditions containers ch5: causes of damage or loss conclusion

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Date: September 24th, 2015


Explain why the Facility Layout and the Work System Design is important? How does it impact the business and workforce? What could go wrong if the two are not correct?

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Date: September 24th, 2015

Frito-Lay, Inc case

write a report about the case (Frito-Lay, Inc.) Fellow the decision-making process Define and clarify the issue – does it warrant action? If so, now? Is the matter urgent, important or both. See the Pareto Principle. Gather all the facts and understand their causes. Think about or brainstorm possible options and solutions. (See brainstorming process) […]

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Date: September 24th, 2015