Book: Bart D. Ehrman, Lost Christianities, The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew, Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN: 9780195182491 read the book and write 7 pages book review on Lost Christianities. Why is this book important or not important? What is its major thesis? Does Ehrman succeed in presenting his case for […]
Explain how the professional journal article you selected defends its opposing view from the original article. For each article, explain any biases, slants in opinions, and any other errors in logic that are present. Be specific and provide examples from the literature. Explain how, if at all, reading the opposing article changed your views on […]
select a current article or book relating to the subject of management and make an oral report .
Describe three types of psychological contracts and the two basic kinds of trust that play a role in work relationships. Describe organizational citizenship behavior and ways in which it may be encouraged. Identify ways in which cooperation can be promoted in the workplace. Describe the causes and effects of conflict in organizations along with techniques […]
Research the main professional organizations of the human resources profession, such as the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), pick one professional discipline and address the following: 1. Discuss the history of the discipline. 2. What is the requirement for education and experience for the discipline? 3. What are the certifications for this discipline? 4. […]
· Read Case 19 in Chapter 7 of the text. · Write a 750–1,000-word paper that answers the questions for discussion that follow the case. · Review the West Writing Rubric, which will be used to grade this assignment. · Include a minimum of two scholarly sources, which may consist of readings from the University […]
Select a piece of modern art, from the 20th or the 21st century. Discuss the following aspects of the work on 200 words : a. What makes this piece so important? to you and the view? b. Why is this piece in a gallery, museum or a specific website? c. Write about the way the […]
Choose one of the essays from pages 80-95 in the text book Brenda Spatt, Writing from Sources. Seventh Edition.St. Martin’s Press, 2007. (either "When Teaching the Ethics of War is not Academic"), and write a full-length, multi-paragraph essay summarizing it. Remember that you are not criticizing the essay, just telling what is in it. Your […]
Identify a person whose job involves considerable dealings with managing people in the organizations of the UAE. This could be a public (government) or private institution. Ask the HR official or manager the following: What is your official title? What are the major things that you do in your job that deal with […]
Identify Champaign-Urbana social justice responses to “thick injustice.” How are local organizations (on-campus and off-campus) challenging “thick injustice” to make visible the invisible? The responses should highlight local group involvement in institutions (i.e. connection or outcomes from the Champaign County Board, Urbana or Champaign City Councils, planning advisory boards, Student Senate, University of Illinois, etc.); […]