Mental Health Counseling response

Posted: August 12th, 2013

Mental Health Counselling Response




Mental Health Counselling Response

Discussion 1

The first discussion post is quite elaborate especially with regard to the details that it contains. It expounds on the role of diagnosis and assessment in the conceptualization of cases and the planning of treatment in mental health counselling. Assessment and diagnosis are very imperative procedures that have to be performed accurately in order to ensure the person in question obtains the appropriate treatment for his or her condition. The discussion first elaborates the meaning of the methods described in the problem. In this case, it explains what takes place during the assessment and diagnosis processes. The discussion is elaborate and provides the reader with all the essential information that pertains to this topic. This is noteworthy since the reader comprehends the procedures in question and their occurrence. After this, the report goes on to elucidate how a case conceptualization is formed from the information obtained from the previous processes. This enables the reader follow the sequence of this procedure (Braun & Cox, 2005)

The discussion topic also expounds on the strengths and weaknesses attributed to the assessment and diagnosis of the patients conditions. These points are comprehensively explained and the reader understands the writer’s point of view, concerning the subject. The final question answered in this paper is how the process may inform the writer’s developing an approach to working with clients. This question is based fully on the writer’s personal opinion towards the subject matter. The answer provided to this question is well explained and backed up by sources to support them. The discussion is an outstanding piece of work because the reader appreciates what the writer intended to explain especially due to the use of simple and concise language (Mears, 2010).



Discussion 2

In this subsequent discussion, the main matter being talked about is assessment. The writer has described the meaning of the term medically. In addition to this, the processes involved during the assessment of certain diseases or conditions have also been elaborated. This is crucial especially for the reader since it enhances their understanding of the matter in question, assessment. However, the writer has not addressed the matter of assessment comprehensively and has alternatively just provided a vague explanation on the matter. This paper has also explained the dangers associated with wrong assessments especially on the patients. In order to expound on this matter further, the writer has included an example of a case of wrong assessment. The example used was a personal experience of the writer. The use of the example is commendable since it enables readers to relate to the problems that may arise if there is an occurrence of wrong assessments.

However, the example the writer has used is vague and sketchy. The writer has left out key information like what led to the wrong diagnosis, and the repercussions that resulted from this mistake and their effects to the patient and his or her family. Inclusion of such details would provide more information about the importance of the correct assessments of patients (Bekker & Croon, 2010). This discussion also explains how the correct assessment helps the relationships with clients. The writer’s response to this matter is satisfactory; though brief, it covers all the crucial points required. Finally, her conclusion about the importance of assessments is outstanding since it is a logical argument. In addition, the writer has elaborated the opinion they hold in a clear and understandable way. The writer had compiled a good paper, but with a few adjustments, it could be even better.




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