Our Writers

brillianttermpapers.org has reached the highest degree of professionalism in the academic assistance field, and we are still making steps towards even better. If an applicant wants to become a writer with our company, it is obligatory for them to pass the registration process, which includes several tests. First of all, we check the writer’s knowledge of English – each writer has to sit a 3hour online test.

The last step is for them to complete a sample paper, which later on is assessed by the Writers Evaluation Department. Our assessment criteria consists of Grammar, Language, Writing style, Professionalism and Readability of all writers’ work. It means that each writer is responsible not only for their level of English, but also for their understanding and expertise in the specific subjects about which they are asked to complete papers.

All the  writers at brillianttermpapers.org, just like any other working person, need proper systems and motivation. Because of this, we have established a flexible system of Quality Control. Twice a month each writer goes through a valuation process. Three random pages are taken from the works they completed over the past fortnight, which are moderated by a professional editor. Our company employs freelance writers from all over. All of our writers at brillianttermpapers.org need to demonstrate a sufficient command of English and a good understanding of other subjects, so all customers can be sure to obtain the writing quality that equates to their academic level, without any compromise.

Once we receive an order from you, we immediately search for the most suitable writer to complete it. Our writer-selection system is constantly being improved. It depends on their knowledge and experience, and relies on a complicated system of parameters of writers’ background and accomplishments. In particular, we make sure that all writers’ current workload allows them time to concentrate fully on each appointment, and to complete it according to your expectations. Call brillianttermpappers.com today for information about how our systems work!


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You Want Quality and That’s What We Deliver

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We select the finest writers to join our team. They each have expertise in specific topic fields and background in academic writing.

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You will never receive a product that contains any plagiarism. We scan every final draft before releasing it to be delivered to a customer.

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Thank you soooo much! Literally saved my life this semester.

3-1 Final Project Milestone One: Organizational Analysis and Structure


Many thanks for the support!

Research design project paper


Will you please combine this with the annotated bibliography. I don't know where to insert it. Please help, it is due tomorrow. Thanks. Wanda


Creative writing

Thank you outline and paper looks great

unplugged experiment /real world book 4th edition/ferris&stein


Great Job. Would do it again and again Thank you!

Book report for Chris


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PICO AND Evidence Appraisal


Thank you very much again for your professional work and timeliness in meeting the deadline.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act Paper

Legal Issues

thankyou, great paper

Suicide Risk Assessment Case Analysis


Thank you

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