
Posted: August 7th, 2013





Energy Saving at Home

1.         How many compact fluorescent lamps are installed in your home? 8

2.         What kind of energy improvements have you done on your home? Zero-cost changes (e.g., turning off lights)

3.         If you have a ceiling fan, how many hours per day do you use it? (Average summer and winter) 1-2 hours

4.         Have you tried LED lights in your home? No

5.         What is your experience using spray foam insulation? Haven’t used it

6.         How often do you use home clothes dryer (rather than air-drying)? 9 out of 10 loads of wash

7.         Do you think your home’s energy efficiency influences its resale value? Not Sure.

8.         Is your second fridge plugged in? Yes

9.         Have you had a professional home energy audit? No

The rate of green house gas emission is estimated at 5, 837lb. Upgrades are needed in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Improving home energy efficiency decreases the energy bills, provides for environment protection and makes the home more comfortable. The use of fluorescent lamps, which last 4-10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, should be implemented to reduce the rate of worn out bulbs and replacement costs. The bulbs are more comfortable to the eye and reduce eyestrain. Natural lighting such as the sun during the day can also reduce energy costs, as it is an environment friendly form of energy. To make the house more comfortable, a person should use programmable thermostats. The thermostats save on costs and lessen the use of energy. To protect the house of pipe freezing and improve fire safety, the house should have a well-insulated ceiling.

This ceiling also reduces the risk of damage caused by moisture and transforms the home into an energy efficient one by providing defense against energy loss. Some of the insulations that can are proven to be effective are rolls and batts, spray foam and rigid foam board. The insulation should not only be done in one section but also other commonly overlooked areas such as the attic, water heater and ductwork. The level of energy consumption by driers can be lowered and water use reduced significantly by ENERGY STAR qualified clothes washer. Reduced water use helps to protect water bodies such as oceans, lakes and streams. When there is power interruption, water heaters that are gas fired and efficient may be used to hold the temperature levels for a longer period. The gas fired water heaters are reliable and cut down on energy cost. Windows have a huge impact on the cost of heating and cooling within the home.

Windows in the house gain and lose their heat through the processes of radiation, convection, air leakage and conduction conveyed by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Windows that are energy efficient reduce rates of condensation and lower the ultraviolet radiation into the house. They also boost fire safety and block noise from outside consequently shrinking the carbon footprint of the house. The exterior doors can be replaced and weather-stripped to save on cost and lower energy levels. Energy efficient skylights can also be installed to help reduce the cost of cooling, lighting and heating but they should be appropriately chosen and installed. The homeowner should also hire a professional to undertake a home energy audit in order to have an analysis of the rate of energy use in the house. Once these measures are implemented, the house becomes an environment friendly and energy efficient zone. Green house gas emissions are diminished and the environment is made safer and clean.

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