HR Database Model

Posted: August 6th, 2013





HR Database Model

The HR database model of the company has been developed as a management improvement tool. This tool acts to plan human resources within the organization’s facilities and health system. The human resource database model in the company has one major module for managing the organization’s facilities and health system. This module is referred to as the human resource planner. Ultimately, the human resource planner is a practical tool for planning the generation of health staff establishments in appropriate formats.

The purpose of the database and its individual tables in the organization include assisting health ministries and departments in determining human resource requirements depending on health facility types in the organization, as part of planning exercise, rationalizing or restructuring. The second purpose involves creating a health organization structure for the company. Thirdly, the database model serves to generate a number of human resource reports on several levels in the health system facility. Furthermore, the database is designed to include all details pertaining to organizational structure and facility type, salary levels, post classes and categories, and health authority.

There exist several reasons why I chose the database entity and their importance to the company. One of the reasons is based on the premise that the human resource planner endows the users with the capability of staffing arrangements with ease. For example, this can involve responding to financial constraints or staffing, and achieve rapid rationalization or restructuring. In addition, it is capable of generating lists on strategies for the redeployment of excess employees and filling vacant positions. The chosen database entity also enables the company to forecast human resource requirements as well as training needs.

The reason I chose the attributes above with regard to importance to the company revolves around the capability of the database to generate multiple staff functions for the institution, based on multiple scenarios and different models. The other reason I chose those attributes was that it is capable of analyzing staffing trends of filled, intermediate, approved, and provide recommendations to the organization. The human resource planner in the company is also designed to formulate a list of employees for the allocation of specified facility, use data from personnel systems as well as health authority databases.

Apart from the attributes and benefits associated with the human resource database of the company, it is prudent to put into consideration the limitations that hinder its optimum performance. In this regard, future planning is not possible since it is not possible to ascertain the future. Change is inevitable and political, technological, and cultural aspects fall under this change. This in particular affects the process of employment. The company will accordingly hire or release staff. Therefore, the human resource database model can only function as a guiding factor. Therefore, the company cannot rely fully on the model. The human resource planner of the model provides a clarified means of dealing with excess employees. However, one limitation of this factor appears when employees are laid off. This mainly affects the work performance and psyche of the remaining staff since they begin to feel stressed and insecure on the company.

The database has been designed to include four main records on authoritative posts, workload specifications, function and purpose of each component, and types of offices, services or facilities that require staff. In terms of growth, the company is expected to grow in terms of production and size in the next ten years. This is because the human resource model will enable the company to ally suitable methods of increasing the rate of production and reduce costs associated with the human resource function.

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