Home-Schooling Program

Posted: January 5th, 2023

Home-Schooling Program

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Home-Schooling Program

Homeschooling is defined as the school-aged children’s education conducted at home and other various places apart from school (Hirsh, 2019). Homeschooling is also referred to as home education. Tutors usually teach it, parents, or virtually by online teachers through personalized teaching methods rarely practiced in school. Hirsh (2019) argues that before the onset of Homeschooling, the parents and teachers are subjected to a deschooling phase whereby they break off from the school normalcy and prepare for the homeschooling commencement program. Some of the children who have the homeschooling program still have various schools they attend during the regular day school hours (Rahma et al., 2018). There are multiple benefits compared to the program’s shortcomings, with some parents preferring the program, as discussed below.

There is a high preference for parents’ Homeschooling for their children’s education due to the various arguments. According to Abuzandah (2020), health matters among the children are a paramount factor that parents consider. Some children might be having multiple health challenges that make the students unable to access the school regularly hence partially homeschooled. Homeschooling is also preferred for children who require special need attention. In addition, the parents often feel that they can provide for better education to their children more than the local institutions can provide. The parents might also choose home education because they like their children to be taught on religious matters and instructions less offered by the public institutions within the locality (Gaither, 2017). The parents also argue that a teacher can concentrate fully on teaching a few individuals; hence, they can respond to their various weaknesses. Homeschooling is also preferred by the families living within the remote rural areas, temporarily abroad, and frequently traveling and often find it challenging to get their children into school on time (Rahma et al., 2018). This learning model is also preferred by parents who want to spend more time with their children.

There has been a disparity in the social skills between those attending the public or private schools and those in the homeschooling program. The older children in the homeschooling program have been having higher social skills than those attending the private or public institutions, with girls being more assertive than boys. The homeschooling children often tend to have better socialization skills due to their interactions in various places like museums, parks, beaches, and other crowded places where they visit in their parents’ accompaniment (Abuzandah, 2020). In addition, they also display self-confidence, self-respect, and self-worth. In the homeschooling program, children usually are aware of the family unit that needs, wants, and spend on them. The result is that they tend to be independent thinkers who are less likely to be influenced by their peers. Therefore, they are directed to their actions and thoughts, unlike their counterparts in the public and private school, which positively influence each other (Rahma et al., 2018). The homeschooling program usually supports the children’s social skills since there is interaction in various platforms like the social groups created via social media platforms and events organized at multiple locations just like in the private and public children.

There are various benefits in contrast to the drawbacks of the homeschooling program. Students under this program enjoy one-on-one attention from the tutor since the child is the only one attached to the teacher at that particular time (Ray, 2017). Therefore, whenever a child faces a challenge in a specific subject, they are helped by the teacher to navigate through the challenge. The children also learn more in this platform since when one excels at something, they keep learning more at their own pace. The homeschooled children have the advantage of acquiring educational experience outside classes at various places like museums, libraries and marinas (Gaither, 2017). The homeschooled children are involved in volunteer opportunities during the free time in the various service learning projects hence undertaking their projects. The homeschooling program, therefore, can pursue their career interests. This program also enables parents to have control over the diet of their children.

The homeschooling program is also faced with various drawbacks. The tutor or parent mighty have not undergone the schooling program to enable him or her to teach the particular subject they are teaching (Gaither, 2017). The children under this program are often faced with various obstacles in access to school facilities like gymnasium, art studio, or science lab. The children are thus taught using either the kitchen table or school like area formed within the home environment. Therefore, the parents usually organize group learning activities like field trips and art classes hence making the learning mode quite expensive. The social life of the children under this program are negatively affected (Ray, 2017). The homeschoolers, therefore, lack friends and miss the aspect of being around other children. The children often suffer emotional stress where they feel that they spend more time with their families contrary to what they should be doing with their age-groups.

In conclusion, Homeschooling is highly preferred by most parents due to the freedom that comes along with it, like curriculum, teacher children’s attention, health complications of their children and also being ideal for the parents that are always traveling. The homeschooling program has got more social skills development due to the various platforms children to engage in, although some make the platform expensive. The homeschooling program’s benefits include the teacher’s attention to the student, parents having control of the behavior and diet of the children, and children pursuing their interests. The disadvantage of this program includes effects on the children’s social skills, inconvenience of the school facilities, and the program’s expensive nature.


Abuzandah, S. (2020). Social Skills for Homeschooling Students. Creative Education, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1064-1072.

Gaither, M. (2017). Homeschooling in the United States: A review of select research topics. Pro-Posições, vol. 28, no.2, pp. 213-241.

Hirsh, A. (2019). The Changing Landscape of Homeschooling in the United States. Center on Reinventing Public Education. Retrieved from


Rahma, R. A., Lestari, G. D., & Nugroho, R. (2018). The Social-Emotional Development of Homeschooling Children. Journal of Non-formal Education, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 151-160.

Ray, B. (2017). A Review of research on Homeschooling and what might educators learn? Pro-Posições, vol. 28 no. 2, pp. 85-103.

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