Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing

Posted: January 5th, 2023

Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing

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Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing

In nursing, interprofessional collaboration is critical. It is through the transformational leadership platform that patients and healthcare professionals get a chance to communicate and exchange ideas based on the individual perspectives hence effectively understanding and addressing the wellbeing and health contributing factors. The nurses who constitute the frontline of interaction with multiple groups and records are full partners in this approach, hence yielding positive collaboration results. In building interprofessional competence, reflection is vital as it allows one to do a critical analysis of events and actions at various lenses. It also aids in consideration of the potential reasons behind the different individual behaviors and actions. In interprofessional collaboration, the various team members’ roles are examined by reflecting how they were adapted in multiple situations and investigating how better the team could have worked.

The management of human and financial resources requires various strategies to achieve the goal of promoting organizational health. The organizational effectiveness in utilizing human resources in any organization is usually through the human resources department. The person in this department aid in the organizational effectiveness by aiding in the design of the new business strategies (Di Fabio 2017). Therefore, through human resource professionals’ utilization in the design and implementation of changes within the company, it will help boost the organization. The professionals further offer perspectives that may be looked down upon by the leaders, yet they play a significant role in the identification of the best professionals for the vacant and new positions within the organization. Within the healthcare system, management practices call for active measures to work with different groups and individuals effectively. This implicates the need to focus on the organization’s growth following identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the professionals. However, the teams formed within the organization must be complimentary to skills and strengths (Matthys et al. 2017). The management should encourage the teams to achieve various goals and objectives based on their skills and knowledge. The fact company’s efficiency supports this is through the understanding of multiple professionals and their roles within the organization in addition to improving the ability and development of unique skills. The customers are the primary sources of finance within the organization, and therefore their positions and interests should be paramount within leadership. Wilkinson (2017) attest that one can use online media platforms to gain customer feedback and opinions on product quality improvement. Identifying the various degrees of progress of the quality of services and products helps balance the quality of the quality with cost-effective solutions. Consulting among different professionals is useful in decision-making, as it helps in choosing the best approaches vital in accomplishing specific goals without cutting down on the product’s final quality.  Through technology utilization, the organization may utilize the cheapest mode to achieve a final quality product at a lower expense (Di Fabio 2017). Poor balance of finance and organization expenses may result in the organization making losses to improve its quality.

Interdisciplinary collaboration in a healthcare setting can effectively achieve the various desired positive results in inpatient- health care system settings. This is because, through the different hospital teams, all the health care systems are involved in the engagement between the patient and each other in the organization. It calls for setting aside personal ego to better the patient (Wilkinson 2017). Effective interprofessional collaboration helps promote the active participation of every individual discipline in the patient care as they will be all working together and engaging the patients who are the support and leadership on the team adapts to the various patient interests and demands (Sroufe 2017). Increasing the collaboration between doctors, nurses, and other health care providers reduces medical errors, hence improving the quality of health care and meeting the diverse population’s needs. Failure to collaborate within any discipline causes friction in between, therefore causing adverse- patient system outcomes (Matthys et al. 2017).

Improvisation of various best interdisciplinary strategies aids the team to achieve its goals and work more efficiently together. Transformational leadership is described as the relationship developed between mutual stimulation and elevation. It is usually used in the inspiration of the level of human conduct and the leaders in addition to those who are being led. The net result of transformation leadership is always to create a transforming effect in both parties. Through the improvisation of different social interaction platforms among the various health care professionals, facilitate the interaction of providers with other professionals, hence sharing information, executing quality and safety checks, and helping the patients understand and comply with treatment plans. The nurses should be educated with others and other health professionals as students and later (Wilkinson 2017). Education within the transformational leadership stresses on various aspects such as leveraging of interpersonal unique roles and responsibilities, effective communication among the different stakeholders, the various strong values and ethics and the importance of effective performance delivery under various roles level. This further illustrates that transformation leadership is designed to engage the leaders with their followers to pursue the organization’s jointly owned goals.

Sroufe (2017) argues that creating nurse work environments that best favor patient safety demands fundamental changes throughout many healthcare organizations. The differences within leadership demand for transformational physical environment and beliefs in addition to practices of the nurses and the other stakeholders who are around that particular environment before the change. Di Fabio (2017) Affirm that transformational leadership helps in balancing the tension between production efficiency and reliability, creation and sustainability of trust within the organization, active management of change, the involvement of workers in decisions pertaining the workflow design, and using knowledge management practices to facilitate the establishment of a “learning organization” among the employees. This enables the successful implementation of change initiatives and safety achievements despite the risk of error associated with it (Matthys et al. 2017). Transformational leadership ensures maximum utilization of the individual human resources in all levels of leadership such as board of directors, senior and mid-level. Further collaboration of healthcare organizations with other organizations facilitates the widespread adoption of multiple approaches.

Ultimately, interprofessional collaboration is a critical aspect for nurses as they play a central role in the health care sector. It involves a useful understanding of communication and the patients’ need and contributes to the organization’s wellbeing. Reflection is a critical aspect of interprofessional competence. It allows one to critically analyze and act and learn on the potential reasons for and drivers to specific individual actions and behaviors. Human and financial resources require the implementation of various strategies to promote organizational health effectively. The best human resource utilization provides options for improving organization design and business. Through effective interdisciplinary collaboration, the desired positive patient- system results impacts can be recognized. Various change management theories and leadership strategies illustrate the need for change to achieve specific organizational goals like building trust within the organization and institution of learning culture and utilizing every individual’s skills within the organization.


Di Fabio, A. (2017). Positive Healthy Organizations: Promoting wellbeing, meaningfulness, and sustainability in organizations. Frontiers in psychology8, 1938.

Matthys, E., Remmen, R., & Van Bogaert, P. (2017). An overview of systematic reviews on the collaboration between physicians and nurses and the impact on patient outcomes: what can we learn in primary care?. BMC family practice18(1), 1-22.

Sroufe, R. (2017). Integration and organizational change towards sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production162, 315-329.

Wilkinson, T. J. (2017). Kolb, integration and the messiness of workplace learning. Perspectives on medical education6(3), 144-145.

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