Influence of Power

Posted: January 4th, 2023

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Influence of Power

An essential aspect of leadership is to impact oninfluence [A1] the people one leadsothers so that they abide by the instructions. The influence impact that one has on others those around them will rely on several elements, including their personalities and that of others. Therefore, those individuals with power must consider how they impact on theirwhat they bring to their followers to avoid possible interferences or disruptions. Leaders or[A2]  other [A3] influential individuals in different settings must use their control to inspire or direct their followers to attain a more significant outcomepeople. The influence of powerThis aspect becomes is evident when one reads various scholarly works papers or watches films that illustrate how those in authoritysuch persons[A4]  use their authority in different ways to instil their ideas and desires. For instance, philosopher Plato creates an impression, in Book 2 of the The Republic,  through the “The Ring of Gyges[A5]  story, that power brings dan[A6] ger and responsibility[A7] , which requires one to be keen while exercising authority. Plato throughBy means of his brothers (Glaucon and Adeimantus), he[A8]  describes how power could lead help one to make proper decisions that make others happy. The story mentions that humans are naturally unjust and selfish[A9]  , and would mostly do what makes yields benefits to them happy or what brings or makes them appreciated by otherspraise, especially when they have the power. FurthermoreSimilarly[A10] , the audience of Spiderman come across the famous proverb by Uncle Ben, which asserts that “with With great power comes great responsibility”, which something that implies means that one must do wellbring only good to the society for others when they have the abilityif one is in such a position. The All in all, impression of power from the various sources indicates that those in power influential individuals must exercise their authority abilities and resources well in a proper manner as to avoid mistreating those around them to avoid criticisms or violations that contradict the authority one enjoysor misusing their power

Power and Corruption

Power can either influence one to either engage in corrupt dealings or to stay away from corruptionmisdeeds[A11] , which many societies regard as a vice. Some scholars observe that a pA person’s[A12]  sense of morality depreciates as his his or her influence impact over others or power increases. An Thereby, a highly esteemed influential person may be tempted to engage involve in self-interested behaviours , which and could further affect their moral reasoning. Individuals who cannot regulate the effects of power on them may witness a situation where the position fosters self-interestssuch a desire within and beyond the context of the leadership. Whereas having self-interest may notis not always be unethical, sometimes influential people may sometimes indeed use their capacity to give directions that favorfavoring one group or person over the other, in what may appear as corruption. For example, a judge who has the powerholds the authority to determine whether a defendant is wrong guilty or not may fail to give serve[A13]  justice to the plaintiff if the respondent is his or hertheir relative or friend. Similarly, a political leader may offer a job to their cousin while taking little consideration that their such a step action amounts to corruptionis wrong in itself. Nonetheless, it does not always necessarily mean that a person who has power would will engage in corrupt deals. Individuals who understand that power comes with great much responsibility would want to safeguard their position and reputation by doing what is right and avoiding corruption misdeeds at all cost. Control can prevent fraud when the person in charge understands the possible adverse effects of improper use of authority, and when they know the potential consequences of self-interest when dealing with others. Power Given the above said, power must not be a source of corrupt practices; rather, it should provide one with the chance to serve others transparently and selflessly.

The validity Validity[A14]  of the Spiderman Dictum

The statement by Uncle Ben that “with With great power comes great responsibility” is valid and in that[A15]  influential people should be ready to serve others. The declaration is evident in various aspects of life, which makes it compelling. For instance, a president uses his or her power[A16]  to defend the rights and freedoms of their followers. Furthermore, national leaders rely on their capacity to facilitate development that would benefit everyone and notrather than just a small group of citizens or loyal followers. Some people individuals get it wrong that once they have power, they can force it on onto their subjects and misuse it. However, abusing power as it happened with past leaders, such as Hitler and Napoleon[A17] , could be a sign of irresponsibility and inability to lead. Oftentimes, irresponsible leaders hardly retain their position or could face relentless opposition for failing to be responsible. The information shows implies that being successful when in power requires one to be accountable, and always to use their position to help others solve their issues. A responsible and influential [A18] person increases boosts their chances of being praised and respected by their subjectsthose [A19] around, and have stands a better higher chance [A20] likelihood of retaining the position for longer. 

Irresponsibility and Power

A person with high much power must would suffer from their decisions when they display some sense of irresponsibility. An irresponsible person is one who lacks a proper or adequate understanding of responsibility and cannot handle tasks or take charge of others. An irresponsible person Such an individual with power can never escape from poor decision-making that will likely evoke contradicting views because they do not have proper conduct to manage their subjectssubordinates[A21] . Such aThis  person may also lack awareness of their obligations, which could affect how they perform their duties. An irresponsible person individual with power may not be conscious of what others say about their undesirable immoral or wrong conduct and may proceed with activities or practices that generate much some controversy from in eyes of the followers. Irresponsibility Their attitude affects how one exercises power and could affect influence the individual outcome adversely because acting contrary to societal expectations could create a sense of danger[A22] , which may affect those following the directives of the influential person. Furthermore, it is hard to be irresponsible and still retain high power and nevernever agonize agonizing from such decisions because individuals usually tend to prefer to relaterelating to those who are responsible. Many regard see responsible leaders as having ones with the capacity to lead others in the right direction because they are more confident in the way they handle their issues, anabout their practices and consider the various possible effects of their decisions on others. An irresponsible person, on the other hand, cannot lead othersserve as a role model and[A23]  can hardly develop better. Long-lasting relationships, which always put them at the risk of regretting or failing anytime they try to lead others[A24] . The description shows demonstrates how having high much power requires one to be responsible at all times. 


Using power correctly properly increases the chances of achieving a positive outcome and eradicating potential oppositions that could occur due to some misuse of authority. Controlling others requires[A25]  proper intervention mechanisms to avoid indulging in corrupt practices. Those in power should remember that the position comes is linked to with greata high degree of responsibility, which requires demands that they them totake care for of others while ensuring that they safeguard their interests as well. The report describes the importance of being responsible when in holding power in society as to avoid suffering from irrational decision making along with imposing suffering on others. The findings teach those in power to consider what is right and to remember that their actions could either have either a positive or negative impact on their followers. Given this aspect, everyone who enjoys appreciation and holds a reputable position should question him- or herself about the consequence of their decisions and practices.

Dear Racheal,

You need to be more careful with phrasing, grammar, and sentence structure.



 [A1]Avoid IMACT as a verb

And be more concise

 [A2]Again, be more concise, please

 [A3]See above for the same, please

 [A4]Please handle the problem of repetition. Revisit the earlier papers where I provided you with some helpful links, recommendations, and tips. Proofread the whole paragraph to spot such cases

 [A5]Mind proper referencing

 [A6]Set off parenthetical phrases 9with commas, for instance)

 [A7]It is self-explanatory


 [A9]Odd comma

 [A10]Why this transition?

 [A11]Avoid repetition

 [A12]Which scholars? You have no reference here, so you cannot state that



 [A15]Is. This what you mean?

 [A16]It can also be a woman

 [A17]Comma is needed before the nonrestrictive use of such as

 [A18]Mind connectors

 [A19]Do notuse this word in relation to people

 [A20]Please handle the problem of repetition. Revisit the earlier papers where I provided you with some helpful links, recommendations, and tips. Proofread the whole paragraph to spot such cases

 [A21]See above

 [A22]Avoid wordiness

 [A23]how do you mean it?

 [A24]This part lacks predicate – is it a sentence?

 [A25]Controlling requires

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