Developing an Education Attainment Policy

Posted: January 4th, 2023

Developing an Education Attainment Policy

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Developing an Education Attainment Policy

  1. Introduction
  2. Health facilities require different specialists to be in a position to offer a wide range of services to their patients and other stakeholders who might relate to the facility in other capacities.
  3. A fully-fledged health facility should work with an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Midwife, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner, and Family Nurse Practitioner.
  4. The study pays attention to how the organization should focus on hiring Family Nurse Practitioners. They have a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) to ensure they provide the best services to their clients.
  5. Organizations should enact adequate measures and resources to inspire Family Nurse Practitioners with an MSN degree to achieve the best results from their services. 
  6. Benefits to the Organization
  7. The facility gets the chance to benefit from the advanced-level services that practitioners will provide, especially concerning managerial functions (SHRM, 2019).
  8. Hiring Family Nurse Practitioners with an MSN delivers the chance to develop a flexible workforce that can attend to different tasks because the advanced level of education equips them with valuable information (SHRM, 2019). For example, an individual can serve as a clinical nurse leader, health policy expert, or nurse administrator.
  9. Employees in this position will have the ability to direct other practitioners within the facility to approach their functions.
  10. The organization is at a higher chance of benefitting from advanced technological skills that individuals with such academic qualifications have (SHRM, 2019).
  11. Overall, recruiting Family Nurse Practitioners with MSN enables the organization to provide advanced, quality, and satisfying services that make the facility competitive and attractive to all stakeholders. 
  12. Internal and External Factors
  13. The success of the hiring process would depend on several internal and external factors.
  14. One of the internal determinants is whether the organization can sustain the requirements of such qualified professionals. The facility must have the capacity to motivate these practitioners using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory that requires employers to help their employees achieve their ultimate aspirations as they continue working for the institution. The firm must fulfill the professionals’ physiological needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, by paying them well (Taormina & Gao, 2013). The organization should put considerable effort into meeting the employees’ safety, love, and self-esteem needs. More fundamentally, the institution should have the capacity to help employees attain their self-actualization needs where they use their skills and experience to empower themselves further or ascend to a higher position (Taormina & Gao, 2013).
  15. The other internal factor that may impact the hiring of Hiring Family Nurse Practitioners with an MSN postgraduate degree relates to the plans and policies the organization has to hire and retain its workers. Harsh or unfriendly policies may derail hiring qualified personnel (Noh et al., 2011).
  16. Equally important, the firm should consider factors in the external environment and how they are likely to influence the selection process. For example, it is vital to assess the impact of political legislation on hiring and retaining workers, especially when hiring across cultures (Noh et al., 2011).
  17. The facility should also consider economic factors and determine whether the present situation allows it to spend more money on hiring specialists. Failing to consider the financial situation may lead the team to spend much money on the professionals, yet it does not have adequate funds to support other vital operations.
  18. The health center should pay much attention to how the internal and external factors may influence the recruitment of Family Nurse Practitioners with an MSN degree. 

IV. Barriers and Risks

  1. Recruiting Family Nurse Practitioners who have attained the MSN degree may present some challenges, which requires the firm to have adequate mitigation measures and approaches.
  2. One possible hindrance is hiring such qualified personnel requires high financial commitment (International Labour Organization, 2011). Organizations that lack financial strength may have to forsake some of its projects to maintain these professionals. Working with such professionals may be a costly venture because the facility may have to purchase or avail other resources to facilitate such employees’ operations. For example, the practitioner may require particular software and hardware to enhance service delivery, yet this may be a costly venture for the institution.
  3. Besides, such professionals require effective motivational approaches, which may strain HR practices if the hospital lacks adequate policies to encourage its workforce (International Labour Organization, 2011).
  4. Furthermore, the facility must consider how individual perception differences may influence the hiring process. Some workers may not feel comfortable working with an institution due to their attitudes and values in many instances. 

V. Conclusion

  1. Health facilities and their administrators should consider recruiting Family Nurse Practitioners who attained the MSN postgraduate degree.
  2. Hiring such professionals allows the firm to get flexible workers who can perform a wide range of technology functions.
  3. The hospital should consider how the internal and external factors may influence the hiring process and pay considerable attention to its motivational approaches, plans and policies, and external factors such as political and economic influencers.
  4. Nonetheless, the institution should develop adequate strategies to overcome possible barriers such as high financial requirements, advanced motivational approaches, and individual differences. 


International Labour Organization. (2011). A skilled workforce for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Geneva: International Labour Office.

Noh, J., et al. (2011). Internal and external environmental factors affecting the performance of hospital-based home nursing care. Internal Nursing Review, 58(2), 263-269.

SHRM. (2019). The new talent landscape: Recruiting difficulty and skills shortages. Alexandria: SHRM.

Taormina, R., & Gao, J. (2013). Maslow and the motivation hierarchy: Measuring satisfaction of the needs. The American Journal of Psychology, 126(2), 155-177.

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