Philosophy of Sex and Love- Sexual Perversion

Posted: January 4th, 2023

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Philosophy of Sex and Love- Sexual Perversion

Love and sex are integral aspects of society, and people must practice considerable caution while engaging in such affairs. Love and sex usually go together, and any person in Romanic or erotic love is likely to copulate. However, how a person approaches sexual practices matter because evidence shows that failing to act in certain ways could violate sexually and love ethics. The research elaborates on how sexual perversion is a major concern in many modern societies, which pushes both men and women to indulge in natural sexual practices. Sex should bring pleasure and satisfaction to both parties, and failing to act in a way that relies on the consent of all sides or in a manner that violates the social norms may have far-reaching implications. However, one must go ahead and find out why natural and unnatural sex evokes the reactions they do and consider the possible counterarguments on the matter. In this paper, I will argue that sexual pervasion is wrong and that it is suitable to focus on natural sex that builds love and intimacy between lovers while acknowledging the potential place of unnatural sex in the society.  

Describing Sex and Love and Connection between the Two

The study focuses on the second meaning of sex or sexual intercourse, where the male reproductive organ penetrates the female reproductive organ (Soble 23). Sex, also called copulation or coitus, often entails inserting the penis into the vagina for sexual excitement, reproduction, or both (Soble 23). Copulation usually goes hand in hand with love, which refers to an immense feeling of real satisfaction or an intense pleasure and interest in something. Several factors make sex and love to go together. One of how these two relate is that love makes sexual intercourse more fulfilling. Many believe that when love is strong, the sexual encounter is better and more satisfying (Soble 42). Also, sex has more meaning when love is strong. Engaging in sexual practice without love could not develop the same feeling if the couple or partners love each other (Soble 43). The connection between sex and love is clear when considering the role sex plays in a marriage relationship.

Natural and Unnatural Sexual Acts

It is possible to divide sexual activities into natural and unnatural acts. The natural sexual practices are those actions that follow the nature of human beings or at least do not contradict the sexual acts and perceptions that emanate naturally from human sexual practice and desire (Primoratz 31). A description of what is natural in human sexual practice and activity is part of a philosophical aspect of human nature. Unnatural sex acts, on the other hand, refers to the sexual acts that are socially unacceptable, which could be morally wrong (Primoratz 33). Nagel (5) writes that if perversions exist, unnatural sexual practices will also exist rather than just unnatural actions embraced not from preference but for other causes. Nonetheless, it is important while assessing a particular sex practice to consider knowing that whether a sexual act is natural or unnatural could be different from evaluating the practice as either being morally correct or incorrect (Primoratz 33). For example, while many might regard heterosexual copulation as morally correct, not all sexual practices between a male and a female could be natural. 

The comparison between natural and unnatural sexual acts and the social perceptions towards both aspects develop the urge to understand the logic behind why natural or unnatural sex acts are considered to be so. One of the major reasons people regard natural sexual practice as appropriate is that the notion receives overwhelming societal support. People grow up knowing that some sexual acts are acceptable, and others are inappropriate, which leads them to support the normal or widely practicable sexual behaviors and practices. Furthermore, renowned maximalists such as Solomon, Scruton, and Nagel continue to advocate for natural sex while creating a scary image of perversion (Levinson 4). The maximalists sometimes try to come up with contradictory views. Still, they often share a common perception that natural sex is undeniably something to strive after, at least in most love affairs, at least most of the time (Levinson 4). The support from such scholars creates an overall impression that natural sex comprises a suitable evaluative standard of sexual intercourse for human beings. The same scholars create the impression that unnatural sex acts and behaviors are not life-fulfilling and life-enhancing, which are essential aspects for people to be sexual beings (Levinson 4). The overwhelming support natural sex receives compels many people and society to consider unnatural acts as outrageous. 


Overall, perversion refers to the nature of human behavior that breaks away from, which is known to be the norm. The term perversion could refer to a wide variety of deviations, but it often refers to shifting to sexual acts that the society or others perceive as being stubborn, repulsive, or abnormal. Sexual pervasion, according to Levinson (1), refers to the situations in which orgasm or sexual satisfaction relates to imagery or actions that are deemed strange within the culture. The sexual fulfillment or arousal of a pervasive person often rely on a fantasy concept of a rare perception or item that becomes the chief attention of sexual conduct (Levinson 2). The DSM-IV describes pervasive individuals suffering from sexually impulsive complications characterized by reemerging sexual fantasies and actions regarded as abnormal for societal and cultural norms (Levinson 2). The individuals experiencing sexual pervasion usually develop significant health impairment in occupational and other essential areas of psychological functions (Levinson 2). Pervasive individuals could live with the condition for the rest of their lives, and the rate of pervasiveness in men is higher than in women. 

Pervasion can be a stressful condition to deal with, but the affected persons can seek some intervention and possible treatment through proper diagnosis. The problem is that paraphiliacs rarely seek medical attention unless something such as family pressure or an arrest pushes them, which makes diagnosis before contact with the affected person quite challenging (Levinson 3). Some pervasive individuals could choose to work in an environment that exposes them to the preferred erotic stimuli, such as selling lingerie. Such individuals could have intimacy issues, emotional disturbance, and are likely to indulge in drug and alcohol abuse (Levinson 3). The affected person may encounter erectile dysfunction and incapacity to ejaculate in the absence of the paraphiliac themes. Sexually pervasive people could show severe, moderate, or mild symptoms with those encountering severe effects being unable to control themselves anytime the erotic feelings appear (Levinson 3). The literature on treating pervasion is incomplete and fragmented, but current researches pay attention to behavioral therapies that scholars hope may yield some positive effects. For example, orgasmic reconditioning allows the affected person to ease their pressure through masturbation to regain suitable fantasy after orgasm (Levinson 3). Those who suffer from sexual perversion should not hesitate to seek help because it is possible to rectify the condition. 

Specific Cases of Perversion 

It is common to witness cases of sexual perversion in the modern society. One of the rampant cases is prostitution, which entails engaging in sexual practices to make money. Most prostitutes would engage in the practice because of their heightened sexual curiosity and sexuality other than the drive to generate income (Lamb 82). The idea that sexual motivation drives many women into prostitution is enough proof that sexual perversion could lead someone to engage in sexual acts that may be controversial in society or culture. Many women in the profession do not feel happy with the job and resort to drugs and alcohol to help them cope with disturbing thoughts (Lamb 82). The discomfort that prostitutes experience is similar to the tribulations those living with sexual perversion encounter. The other common form of sexual perversion is rape, a form of sexual violence where a person forces another individual into sexual practices without their consent (Lamb 84). The pervasive nature of the rapist would push them into the act without considering the possible consequences that come with the act. Rape often cause adverse physical, emotional, and psychological effects on both the violator and the victim, and could have other disturbing effects such as depression, post-traumatic stress depression (PTSD), and flashbacks (Lamb 84). The society witnesses other cases of perversion such as masturbation and exposure to pornography. Some scholars view masturbation as a safe way or reliving sexual tension, but warn that excessive indulgence in practice could affect relationships and everyday activities (Lamb 88). Those who spend much time watching pornography are likely to adopt some unnatural sexual acts such as anal intercourse, deep fellatio, facial ejaculation, and sexual intercourse with many partners (Dworkin 26). Such cases of perversion show that people must take suitable measures to prevent more violations. 

Other cases of sexual perversion are evident in society, which illustrates that deviating from the norm when it comes to sexual conduct is not strange and that something needs to happen to prevent more harm. For example, some cultures and societies regard homosexuality as a type of unnatural sexual conduct, and some are even developing stiffer measures to prevent such practices from occurring (Soble 57). Homosexuality is where people of the same gender, mostly men, engage in sexual activities, thereby hindering the normal situation where a man and a woman should engage in copulation. Many societies disapprove of homosexuality, and often those who practice the act do not want others to know their behaviors and would only engage in the act while hiding (Soble 57). Gays and lesbians would always battle depression and depression, which may worsen if the affected person fails to seek medical attention as early as possible (Nagel 15). Homosexuals would suffer from other issues in the same way as those who engage in other queer sexual practices, including tarnished body image and reputation, increased domestic violence, and the possibility of entering into drug and alcohol abuse (Nagel 15). Homosexuals usually find it difficult to fit into society, especially where their acts evoke much criticism and opposition, which qualifies the act as a perversion (Soble 57). Other cultures, societies, and religions term the use of contraceptives as a form of sexual perversion. However, some communities embrace the practice, and many women use the method to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancies. Some cultures feel that the deliberate utilization of artificial techniques to protect oneself against pregnancy as a result of sexual intercourse is incorrect (Soble 59). For example, some Christians believe that using contraceptives violates God’s commandment that people should procreate and fill the world, which pushes the believers of such religious groups to castigate the use of contraceptives. Some cultures disregard the use of contraceptives because they think that the practice could affect women’s fertility and deny them the chance of getting babies in the future (Soble 59). Nonetheless, the rampancy on homosexuality and contraceptives, especially in some developed countries, indicate that cases of sexual perversion are rampant. Unless something happens to regulate such practices, people will still engage in unnatural sexual practices.

The issue of infidelity is a form of sexual perversion, which entails being unfaithful, straying, or cheating while in a marriage or love relationship. Infidelity violates the contract between a married person, resulting in rivalry, jealousy, and anger (Levinson 6). However, what amounts to infidelity relies on the nature of the expectations within the affair. For example, the couple in a marriage relationship usually expects total commitment, although this is usually not the case (Levinson 6). Infidelity in a marriage relationship could cause feelings of betrayal, affect personal and sexual confidence, and invoke a feeling of betrayal and rage (Levinson 6). Based on the context, both women and men can encounter social repercussions if their infidelity acts become public. In some situations, the extent and type of repercussions would depend on the gender and socioeconomic status of the unfaithful person. 

Violation of Sex and Love Ethics 

The various sexual perversion cases are an evident violation of sexual and love ethics that guide how people copulate and form love affairs in a socially acceptable manner. Sexual ethics study sexual behavior and human sexuality and seek to know, examine, and critique the behavior of sexual practices and interpersonal connections from philosophical, cultural, and social perceptions (Primoratz 77). Sexual ethics offers guidance on contentious issues such as sexual orientation, gender fulfillment, procreation, and sexual connections. Sexual ethics remind people that sex has historically yielded positive effects to people in all cultures around the world, which requires individuals to engage in the act while taking into account several measures to avoid being termed as being pervasive or indulging in unnatural sexual acts (Primoratz 78). Sexual ethics reminds people that whereas sex is a social act that differs considerably in the way people discuss, perform, or understand, there is a need to observe the widely accepted sexual norms and ethics (Primoratz 78). Adhering to the teachings of love ethics has equally important effects on maintaining a relationship where both parties enjoy the benefits of copulation. However, sex perversion goes against the ethical notions of love, which advocate for moral uprightness in forming affairs, and the route it should take or not. Following the guidelines of love ethics would guide people to ask whether it is right to engage in certain sexual and love practices and consider the possible repercussions of improving love affairs (Primoratz 80). Adhering to the sexual and love ethics would guide people in the right direction in terms of practicing sex and showing love. 


The paper mentions that unnatural sexual acts or perversion have adverse effects on individuals and generate harsh reactions from society members. Still, it is imperative to consider possible objections to the view. Nagel (17) asserts that the arguments surrounding unperverted and perverted raise the question of the connection between the evaluative perceptions of perversion and the general difference between appropriate and inappropriate sexual acts. Nagel (17) argues that it is not clear that unperverted sex is automatically favorable to the perversions. Nagel (17) mentions that if the sexual act that garners the most points for flawlessness as sex is not as enjoyable as some perversions and that if satisfaction is perceived very vital, that may prevail over perceptions of sexual excellence in determining balanced inclinations. Indeed, if a person who regards homosexuality as an unnatural sexual act could acknowledge the difference between desirable and undesirable homosexuality and might even content that good homosexual practice could be better sex than not very satisfying or not very good natural sex. Nagel (17) feels that if the argument is precise, it concurs with the notion that, if perceptions of perversion are true, they present only one aspect of sex’s potential evaluations of sex. 

Also, even if perverted sex is not acceptable in most societies, extreme sex is generally healthier than none at all. Sex, according to Nagel (17), is like other vital aspects of life, such as society, music, food, and literature. A person must ultimately select from the available options, whether their presence relies on their formulation or the environment (Nagel 17). The options have to be quite harsh before one chooses to settle for nothing. 

Other possible Ways of Preventing Sexual Perversion 

Affected persons and any other individual should consider suitable ways of overcoming sexual perversion other than adhering to the sexual and love ethics. Individuals should seek guidance and intervention from experts in the field as soon as they realize that they develop unnatural sexual behaviors because any delays could worsen the situation (Soble 88). Alternatively, a person can begin by seeking the attention of those close to them, such as their parents or wife, before going any further with the intervention to receive some guidance. Any person witnessing sexual perversion should cast away their fears because the feeling that others would speak or the shame that usually comes with such issues often deter many people from getting help from the onset of the queer behavior. Another possible way is to increase how teachers at various levels of learning inform students about the possible adversities of sexual perversion. Instructors should teach individuals the possible adversities of engaging in sexual practices that may appear controversial to societal or cultural norms and should direct learners on the best possible ways of engaging in sexual activities. Educators may offer helpful lessons based on the learners’ age to make sure that they relay content that matches the age group of their students (Soble 90). Finally, the affected individuals should conduct continuous research on the matter to understand the possible demerits of engaging in sexual practices that could be termed perversion. The individuals may acquire helpful tips from books, journal articles, websites, and other valuable sources that teach about the possible dangers of sexual perversion. Taking these measures could prevent someone from engaging in sexual perversion, and could help the affected individuals reconsider their behaviors, which could urge them to alter their lifestyle. 


The study shows that sexual perversion deviates from the natural ways of copulation. People should adhere to sexual and love ethics to avoid indulging in practices that could be termed as being socially or ethically abnormal. Today, people engage in sexual perversions such as masturbation, rape, prostitution, contraceptives, infidelity, and pornography, which appear to generate harsh criticism in some cultures and societies. Such cases deny many people the benefits that come with proper indulgence in sexual activities. In fatal cases, the affected persons develop clinically-related issues that become considerably difficult to handle. Sticking to the guidelines of sexual ethics and love ethics would lead people to avoid practicing perversive behaviors whether they engage in sex with love or sex without love. The study shows that those experiencing pervasive sexual behaviors should not hide because the condition has possible remedies that could help someone lead a normal and desirable life. Nonetheless, it is significant to consider the possible objections surrounding perverted sexual acts and behaviors, considering that the arguments supporting un-perverted practices may only present one side of sex while disregarding the other. In addition, it is imperative to consider whether bad natural sex outweighs good perverted sex because not everyone may have the same view on the matter.  


Dworkin, Andrea. Pornography: Men Possessing Women. The Women’s Press, 1981.

Lamb, Roger. Love Analyzed. Westview Press, 1997.

Levinson, Jerrold. “Sexual Perversity.” The Monist, vol. 86, no. 1, 2003, pp. 1-19.

Nagel, Thomas. “Sexual Perversion.” The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 66, no. 1, 1969, pp. 5-17.

Primoratz, Igor.  Ethics and Sex. Routledge, 1999.

Soble, Alan.  Philosophy of Sex and Love: An Introduction. Paragon House, 2008. 

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