The 1970 Coed Murders of WVU Students

Posted: January 4th, 2023

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The 1970 Coed Murders of WVU Students

The mysterious disappearance of Karen Ferrell and Mared Malarik on the night of January 18, 1970, continues to evoke questions that require in-depth analysis to find the answers. The various groups investigating the incident still cannot give adequate explanations regarding the whereabouts of the two girl’s heads, which makes the occurrence unclear (McNamara). Many people believe the killers performed rituals with the bodies and might be the reason the girls were abducted (Morris). At the same time, some feel that Clawson, who is the main suspect, performed an act he regarded as enjoyable (Berry and Fuller 71). The study is a research proposal seeking to explore new likelihoods in the murders of Ferrell and Malarik while paying considerable attention to the evidence of the rate of violence and crime during the revival of pop culture in the 1970s. The research will offer awareness into the mysteries of the killings, more so concerning the factors stimulated by the increasing popular culture. 


The study shall employ the qualitative research method, which entails gathering and examining data. The approach is appropriate because it shall enlighten about the changing perceptions and attitudes within a target population. Qualitative research is flexible and allows the researchers to adjust questions, the settings, or any other pertinent variables to better the outcome (Lovely Professional University 143). The approach gives the surveyors adequate space to speculate about the result, and to choose how they want to perform the study. Qualitative research shall be applicable in the study because it creates openness, thereby motivating people to widen their responses (Lovely Professional University 143). The researchers shall consider the possible limitations of qualitative research, such as the possibility of selection bias and unreliability of the data because respondents only say what they know or remember. Surveyors will be keen throughout the process to adhere to all aspects of the research method and avoid possible errors.

Sampling Approach

The researchers shall use the systematic sampling method where participants become part of the study group at regular intervals from the target group. Contrary to the simple random sampling where each participant is selected entirely by chance, and each person has an equal probability of being chosen, systematic sampling select participants at intervals to maintain a suitable sample size (Lovely Professional University 157). Using the approach offers a higher chance to select participants who have more information about the murders, and who knows whether the growing popular culture played a role in facilitating the apprehension and ultimate execution of the two coeds. The sampling method, for example, makes it possible to select respondents who know whether it is the truth that the investigating officers were not successful in locating the students’ heads (McNamara). Furthermore, the systematic sampling method provides enough time to select a group that understands how the podcast by Sarah Gibbons, Geoff Fuller and Kendall Perkinson offered more evidence into the matter (Morgantown Magazine). It is easier to find the relevant respondents using the systematic sampling method because the researchers do not recruit anyone who shows the interest to be part of the study.

Data Collection

The research shall employ interviews as the primary way of collecting data, and this shall happen through face-to-face interviews and questionnaires. The data collectors will engage the respondents in face-to-face interviews to find out whether the act resulted from ritualistic motivation or the drive of pop culture. Using face-to-face interviews shall encourage precise screening and make it easy to capture and understand verbal and non-verbal cues (Lovely Professional University 162). The data collectors will further use open-ended questionnaires to gather additional data from other participants. The questionnaires will make it easy to acquire data from state officials and employees of organizations such as media houses that have rich content regarding the tragedy. Open-ended questionnaires shall allow respondents to give as much information as they know about what transpired that led to the death of the unsuspecting girls. The researchers shall remind the respondents to provide a relevant response and to avoid diverting into issues that do not have direct relevance to the case.


The descriptive data analysis method shall be the primary form of evaluating the collected information upon completing the study. The analysis style requires the researchers to elaborate on what the data is all about, including showing how past incidences influenced the occurrence (Lovely Professional University 171). The approach requires the investigators to pay attention to the responses and derive possible conclusions.

The qualitative research approach is more suitable to comprehend the new possibilities in the death of Ferrell and Malarik, as well as to know the role of pop culture during the time. The researchers shall employ the systematic sampling method to increase the likelihood of selecting a more informed group. Data collection shall happen through face-to-face interviews as well as through open-ended questionnaires to give everyone the chance to present their sincere views about the mysterious incident. The surveyors will use the descriptive data analysis style to examine and analyze the data and use the findings to offer new insight into the matter, and to judge whether pop culture played a role in the death of the two WVU students.

Works Cited

Berry, Daleen and Fuller Geoffrey. The Savage Murder of Skylar Neese: The Truth Behind the Headlines. BenBella Books, 2014.

McNamara, Sean. “Exploring New Possibilities in Decades-Old Murders.” Times West Virginian, April 15, 2018, Accessed 13 February 2020.

Lovely Professional University. Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics. Laxmi Publications, 2014.

Morgantown Magazine. “Mared and Karen: The Impatient Wait.” New South Media Inc, 2019, Accessed 13 February 2020.

Morris, Jeremy. “The Epic Story of West Virginia’s Most Notorious Murders.” Vandaleer, June

            22, 2017,

            13 February 2020.

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