Reflection Paper: Identity

Posted: January 4th, 2023

Reflection Paper: Identity

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Reflection Paper: Identity

Question One

People often pay allegiance to their identity without really considering whether what they believe is the truth. The Director in Jodhaa Akbar (Ashutosh Gowariker) persuades his audience that two individuals from different regions and religions fell in love in the sixteenth century, resulting in a vast empire in India. Andy Tennant manages to create a false truth in Anna and the King as to convince his viewers that a Malaysian King fell for a White lady. The films show how people can form their identity by relying on an event that never took place in the real life but that still evokes some interest. The idea that some cultural and national identities are built around false truths does not imply that the personality of a collective is not real. Some aspects of the character can be valid if it is possible to support those using factual data. An identity based on perceived truth makes it less compelling if the people found their perceptions on facts because it may be hard to prove particular aspects, especially when they are controversial or not clear to everyone. Grounding one’s identity on false truths usually yields the myths life of their own, and many people tend to believe in them as they depict the nation or culture as superior or morally upright. Myths tend to become part of the society and identity because as generations continue to grow, and more people are born, they embrace the perceptions and ideologies that they find. A suitable way to prevent people from being misled by myths is to encourage people to acquire facts about their identity rather than relying on information that is not very true.

Question Two

People would want to glorify their cultural practices and customs, and the practice is difficult to avoid when depicting one’s identity and culture as unique. Sometimes, the glorification happens in a way that affects or hurts others, who feel discriminated or less appreciated. One may hurt others while trying to glorify their identity by comparing how their culture is superior in the presence of the minorities, for instance. Such a person may refer to how their nation defeated the enemy at war, how their lineage produces renowned people, or even how their culture associates with technology or art more than the other one. People can apply suitable ways of celebrating their identities and attainments without hurting others or degrading their customs. For instance, one may provide an example of how the coming together of two cultures would give birth to a more diversified society, where people share more ideas and experiences.

Some may argue that the distortion of historical events in Jodhaa Akbar is understandable because the story creates a nationalist impression, and that the alteration in Anna and the King is degrading because it portrays the royal family in a wrong way. However, these films alter history critically. Many would develop the feeling that the former is nationalistic in its approach because it creates an impression of a possibility of uniting and forming a unified territory regardless of any geopolitical boundaries. A specific group of viewers and critics may consider the latter, on the other hand, as offensive since it depicts the King incorrectly in the eyes of Malaysian people. The Asians in Malaysia seem to highly regard their kings and such portrayal as it appears in Anna and the King would certainly harsh criticism. Nonetheless, both transform the true events in the history. At the same time, both movies glorify individuals who never had any control over the direction of history, which give them same glory as the historic personalities. Many viewers would consider the historic figures as being authentic because the casts only give a representation of the real people.

Question Three

Myth and reality can work together, especially if people who interact come from different cultures. These two aspects can work together in contexts where everyone tries to share their views and perception based on their own culture. It is the reason why sharing a Western or Eastern opinions may appear more relevant to some than others. An Asian who interacts with an American, for example, may not contradict what the latte says but may not believe it either due to thinking that it is a myth. On the other hand, the American participant of the interaction may say something that is easy to prove, convincing the Asian interlocutor, thereby creating a scenario where a myth and reality co-exist. Individuals who are unaware of facts may have no option but to believe in them, especially if the conversation partner presents information as the truth, or if many people accept the phenomenon as such. All in all, history can be subjective because the practices in the modern world will determine its course. People would see the urge to assign particular features to history because they emerged many years ago or because they play a role in shaping present beliefs and behaviors. 

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