
Posted: January 4th, 2023

Personality Traits

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Every person has their own personality traits that distinguish them from others. The study helps me to understand my personality by performing a series of tests, including the MBTI is a self-report questionnaire, the Kiersey Temperment profile, and the OCEAN model. I learn from the MBTI self-report test that I am an extrovert, intuitive, feeler, and a perceiver. The Kiersey Temperment profile indicates that I am a supervisor and a provider who cares for the needs of others. The OCEAN model reveals that I am an open, conscientious, an extrovert, easily agreeable, and low in neuroticism. The report further explains how my personality will help me to work as an effective team member, manager, and supervisor who consider the needs and interests of others while interacting with them.

Personality Traits

Section One

Evaluation of Myers Briggs/Kiersey Temperment Profile

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-report questionnaire that indicates various psychological desires and preferences in the way people view the world and come up with decisions. The test allows individuals to know their preferred quality and personality by examining four crucial areas, including introversion versus extraversion, sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perception (Furnham & Crump, 2015). I performed the test and acquired valuable information about by personality.

The Myers Briggs test shows that I am an extrovert because I scored 55% in this category and 45% in introversion. I love interacting with people, and tend to be anxious when in a busy place. I am an extrovert because I often engage with the outside world, and always try to express my feelings and thoughts without limitations. MBTI shows that I an extrovert because I try to make an impression when entering in a room, and I prefer stimulation and activities that engage me. The test affirms to me that I am not an introvert because I dislike quietness and solitude, and do not prefer doing things in privacy or when distanced from others. The MBTI shows that I score high in Intuition than in sensing, which means that I tend to process information in an imaginative, abstract manner. My personality based on the test is one that does not take notice of much detail, and would rather focus on concepts and ideas. I score higher in feeling than in thinking, which implies that I value compassion, cooperation, and empathy rather than applying logical reasoning and being impartial and unbiased. The test further reveals that I am good at perceiving rather than judging, which means that I have a carefree attitude towards life, and would rather be structured than flexible. I learn that as a perceiver, I do not prefer adhering to a schedule, and do not always stick to my plans.

The Kiersey Temperment Profile reveals that I display the qualities of supervisors and providers, which are part of guardian divisions Kiersey highlights in the structure that helps to configure observable character traits. The profiling system informs that I belong to the supervisor category, which means I am highly community-minded and social. The test indicates that I am generous with my energy and time, and would prefer to be in the company of others. The revelation of the Temperment resembles that of MBTI, which indicate that I am extrovert and prefer to be in the company of other people. The Temperment further shows I am a provider who takes it upon themselves to promote the welfare and health of those in their custody. I socialize with others as a provider, and strive to ensure that I meet the needs of other people wherever I go. Kiersey’s test further shows I am an extrovert and a feeler who applies their emotions while relating with others, and one who sees value in helping others. I would say that the results from the MBTI and the Kiersey Temperment Profile are similar, which offers a true reflection of my personality.

Application of Team Work

I prefer to work in a team where the members have vast skills and experience. A leader should be in charge of the team to offer guidance, and to prevent unregulated behavior. I value a team where the leader uses the participatory style of leadership, which brings together in decision-making and working towards achieving the set goals and objectives (Kowo, Owututu & Kadiri, 2018). I would like to be part of a team where the members respect each other’s opinions, and where the participants do not discriminate against each other because of the cultural, ideological, and racial differences. I also prefer being part of a team where members are open with each other to teams where people seclude themselves and do not share their discoveries or challenges. Working as a team brings out my nature an extrovert and a supervisor who values the presence of other people.


I will manage other people who report to me with an open mind to avoid creating the impression that I only value my views and disrespect those of others. I would treat every person with the respect they deserve, and would allow everyone equal chances to express their views without cutting them short. I will make them feel that what they say is important by listening carefully to what they say, and by helping them when they have problems articulating their issues. Above all, I will not treat other people’s problems as being important than others because this could cause a scenario where some individuals feel less appreciated or unimportant.

Supervision Style

I will employ democracy while supervising those who report to me to create a sense of equality within the team. I will employ democracy to lead the team because through equal treatment of each other, it is easier to achieve harmony and peaceful relationship with each other. The democratic approach will encourage the team members to overcome their fears, which may deter them from engaging actively in the joint practices. I believe that using a democratic supervision style will increase satisfaction with the group members (Foels, Mullen, Driskell & Salas, 2000). I hope to achieve the best outcome while working with the team by applying the democratic style of supervision.

Section Two – Evaluating and Applying Results from OCEAN

The Big Five personality traits, often represented by the OCEAN model and the five-factor model (FFM) may help a person to know their character traits. I score 73% in openness, which suggest that I am embrace abstract ways of thinking, and always try to consider all alternatives before arriving at a solution. I score 56% in conscientiousness, which suggests that I am practicing more learning and discipline to be satisfied with what I already have. The OCEAN model indicates that I score high in extroversion, which implies that I like to receive rewards and recognition for my hard work, but I do not value seeking the attention of other people. The idea that I sometimes like to be left alone does not prevent me from working with others and engaging in activities with relatives and friends. The OCEAN model reveals that I score 81% in agreeableness, which implies that I put the needs and feelings of others above mine. I particularly focus on putting other people’s needs before, especially when engaged in outside activities. Neuroticism focuses on character traits associated with emotional instability such as gloominess. I score 23% in neuroticism in the OCEAN model, which implies that I do not want to expose myself to factors that could affect my emotional stability. I try to stay away from incidences that could affect my emotions because I have a controlled post-traumatic stress depression (PTSD) that make me fearful and afraid under disturbing conditions. I always try not to hurt any person, and try to ask for forgiveness whenever I wrong or upset someone.

Application of Team Work

My personality based on the results of the OCEAN model indicates that I am in a good position to serve as a team. I would engage every person openly, and would address all aspects while following facts. The personality would help me to exercise and advocate for more discipline while working in a group to avoid mistakes or practices that could affect the team spirit. My high score in extraversion would compel me to relate with others to find suitable solutions to emerging issues, and will encourage me to invite other people who may help the team achieve its goals and objectives. The personality of agreeableness would help me to serve every person in the team without any discrimination or criticism. The trait would allow me consider the other people’s needs first before meeting personal needs. I am optimistic that the trait of agreeableness will help me to work with my team members without developing any contrary views. Finally, I would relate with the team members without applying emotional feelings that could harm the relationship. I try to avoid any form of conflict, and I always maintain a happy face to avoid disturbing my emotions. I look forward to develop unity within the team work by applying my Big Five personalities.


Managing others while applying my Big Five personalities would be easier and without much challenge. Being open in the way I handle my things will help me manage the team well because I will not have to hide anything from the rest. Management will be easier through openness because everyone will be free to say what they think is good for the team. Having a high level of conscientiousness will help me to manage the team while being highly disciplined and ready forgive those who act contrary. Managing the team will be easier because my high score in extraversion will help me to reach out to everyone and share ideas on run the team. The high score in extraversion will also help me to invite other people to give their views on how well to manage the group. My quality of agreeableness shall improve how I manage the team because I will not have to deal with conflicting interests and clashes when I put the requirements of others above my own. More fundamentally, it would be easier for me to manage the team

Supervision Style

I will apply a transformative supervision style to handle those who report to me while serving in a team. Being a transformative leader shall help me to transform the subjects by making them focus on practices that make them better and more productive (Alqatawenah, 2018; Ghasabeh & Provitera, 2017). Applying transformative ways of supervising the team shall encourage the team members to become increasingly participative in the team practices when they know they shall benefit from the process.

Section Three – Using both Myers Briggs and the OCEAN scores

I tend to adjust my personalities for both Myers Briggs and OCEAN when operating under stress and criticism. I try to embrace an introvert nature when I face criticism when I try to attract attention or make impression when entering a room or public place. I usually feel that the critics are not happy with the way I try to capture their awareness. I also try to lower my level of neuroticism when others feel that I do not give them much attention, and that I do not let their issues bother me. Furthermore, I try to regulate my level of agreeableness and level of perceiving when under stress to avoid making irrational decisions. I do not allow myself to deviate so much from my personality even when facing criticism or when under stress.

Section Four – Seeing myself Grow

Following the realization of my personal style, I would like to grow how I use logic rather than feelings to react to issues, and how I apply conscientiousness. I shall conduct more studies from various sources on how to improve my use of logic and reliance on facts, and how to lessen how I apply emotional feelings to react to problems and incidences. I also plan to inquire from other people who achieve excellent results from their personalities of being a thinker and highly conscientious. I look forward to achieve more impressive outcome in my team practices and in other areas of life by advancing how I am a thinker and conscientious.


The analysis shows how my personalities based on the results of MBTI, the Kiersey Temperment, and the OCEAN model would help me to make wise decisions while working as a team. My nature as an extrovert, intuitive, feeler, and a perceiver will guide me while working in a team, and will help me to manage the group without much difficulty. Furthermore, my nature as a supervisor and a provider will guide me as I relate with others. More essentially, my personalities based on the findings of the OCEAN model shall guide me to work as an effective team member and manager who steers the group into the right direction.


Alqatawenah, A. (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change

            management. The Journal of Business: Theory and Practice, 19(3), 17 – 24.

Foels, R., Mullen, B., Driskell, J., & Salas, E. (2000). The effects of democratic leadership on

            group member satisfaction: An integration. Small Group Research, 31(31), 676 – 701.

Furnham, A., & Crump, J. (2015). The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and promotion at

            work. Psychology, 6(12), 1510 – 1515.

Ghasabeh, M., & Provitera, M. (2017). Transformational leadership: Building an effective

            culture to manage organisational knowledge. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership,

            10(2), Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.22543/0733.102.1187

Kowo, S., Owututu, S., & Kadiri, B. (2018). Effect of participative leadership styles on

            employee productivity. DOI: 10.24132/jbt.2018.8.2.48_58

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