Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

Posted: January 4th, 2023

Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

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Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

People sometimes have to make decisions under very tricky scenarios, which require the application of suitable models to make the best choice. The report centers on the Fetal Abnormality case study and illustrates how it may require the application of decision-making models to come up with a wise choice in a context where religious views appear. The review holds that despite the likelihood of contravening Christians’ view on life as being sacred, people should stick to a decision that will have long-term benefits to all parties involved as explained in the utilitarianism ethical theory.

Christian View of the Nature of Human Persons

Christians believe that every person is created in God’s image, which allows every individual a dignity that can never be erased or overturned. Christians hold the view that human life is sacred and that the dignity every person enjoys is the basis of the society’s moral vision. This opinion makes Christians feel that human life is under direct attack from euthanasia and abortion among other threats, such as stem cell researches, cloning, and the application of the capital punishment like death penalty. The autonomy moral framework is a suitable guide in this case because it suggests that every person has the right to make decisions that they find correct. The fact that someone is a human being gives him/her intrinsic dignity, which should not be under any threat whatsoever.

Applied Theories and How They Influence the Recommendations for Action

Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson, the main stakeholders in the case study, seem to employ ethical theories to guide their view and moral status of the unborn child. Jessica, the expectant lady, appears to employ the requirements of the rights ethical theory, which is vital in defining how people should act in society. The theory implies that the rights the society creates are protected from external threats. Rights, according to the theory, are regarded as ethically correct and valid because many people recognize them as being sound. Jessica in this scenario understands that it is her right as the patient to know the results of the scan and the various approaches she may take to deal with the situation. In contract, Marco appears to use the virtue ethical theory in making his decisions. The concept considers a person’s moral behavior in making a decision. He knows that the high emotions could cause his spouse more pain, and he has to wait until it is the right time to break the news.

Maria and Dr. Wilson seem to follow the teachings of deontology and utilitarianism respectively in the way they argue. The aunt believes that Jessica should play her role as a mother and let God decide how things happen. The deontological theory insinuates that individuals should stick to their obligations, especially in instances that involve ethical concerns. Maria may feel that playing the role of a mother will suggest that she respects her obligation and by acting in such a manner she does what the society considers as being ethical upright. It is the reason Aunt Maria urges Jessica to continue with a pregnancy and permit what God wants to happen and pleads with Jessica to view herself as a responsible mother. Finally, Dr. Wilson appears to employ the theory of utilitarianism, which implies that an ethical act is one that benefits many people. He explains to Marco why Jessica has the right to know the outcome of the test and proceeds to suggest an option he thinks will relieve the entire family of pain and agony in dealing with the aftermath of giving birth to a limbless child. By applying utilitarianism, the doctor knows that he will promote fairness in a way that benefits all people involved in the case.

Choosing the Suitable Theory

The utilitarianism ethical theory appears to be convincing because it is highly likely that giving birth to the limbless child, who is also expected to suffer from Down Syndrome, may cause unbearable effects. Giving birth to the child will cause disturbing memories to the parents as well as Maria who thinks it is good to let God’s wish take its course. The causes for pain may be numerous. The parents, for example, may face stigma from the society, and the child may face similar psychological issues as it grows. The couple may also experience considerable financial hurdles when dealing with the medical requirements, and this factor may cause further disturbance. Following the teachings of utilitarianism is highly likely to call for abortion to save the couple as well as the aunt from the agony they may undergo if the child is born. Even though the Christian perspective regards abortion as being ethnical wrong and against the will of God, the trio may have to accept the option because it is the only way to achieve a desirable outcome. Even though utilitarianism happens to be more convincing, it is wiser to consider the other three theories, namely rights, virtue ethical theory, and deontology, which are equally enlightening in their explanations of life situations.

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